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The Ice Chasm: Harvey Bennet Thrillers, Book 3

The holy grail of science and computing…

A technology worth killing for…

Has been created.

For years, computer scientists have been working on a single, massive project.

It was said to be impossible.

Humanity itself may hang in the balance, and a single corporation controls its fate

Artificial intelligence is everywhere – in the cars we drive, in the appliances in our homes, and in the computers we use for work and pleasure. But this “intelligence” is lacking in one simple, yet major, way.

It is not human.

Near the McMurdo Station on the continent of Antarctica, a signal is seen and intercepted by a telecommunications company. They don’t understand what the signal means, but whoever sent it is illegally using the company’s restricted technology and satellites.

Harvey “Ben” Bennett and Juliette Richardson are approached to join an expedition to Antarctica to find the source of the signal, and bring back whatever technology is hidden there.

After trekking through the Amazon Rainforest and narrowly escaping death at Yellowstone National Park, Ben has little interest in yet another dangerous mission, but there is one reason he accepts the job:

Draconis Industries, the company that was behind the mass genocide at Yellowstone and the heinous crimes in the Amazon.

Together, Ben and Julie, joined by new teammates Reggie and Joshua Jefferson, must visit the coldest continent on Earth to uncover what Draconis Industries is trying desperately to keep hidden.

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Trojan (Andrew Harvey Novel)

When MI5 learns that a horrifying new weapon is in enemy hands, agent Andrew Harvey is called in to track it down before it reaches British soil.

The clock is ticking. Andrew and his girlfriend, Sarah, also a secret service operative, have only one lead: a beautiful refugee, desperate not to lose her son. But is she desperate enough to betray everything she believes in? And will she do it in time to help them prevent a terrifying attack?

As Andrew and Sarah race to unravel a convoluted web of subterfuge and exploitation, they discover there is more at stake than even they knew. And somewhere, at the heart of it, lurks a faceless enemy, who is prepared to use everything—and everyone—at his disposal.

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The Amazon Code: Harvey Bennett Thrillers

When her company discovers a remarkable hidden message in the dreaming brains of her subjects, Dr. Amanda Meron unknowingly invites disaster onto her company. She enlists the help of some old friends to find out what the clues are pointing her toward, but they seem to be pointing her to one of the most remote places on the planet: the Amazon rainforest. When Harvey “Ben” Bennett gets a hint that the nefarious organization he’s been searching for has turned up in Brazil, he and his new girlfriend Juliette Richardson race to the jungle to discover what they’re after – and hopefully stop them. From the myth of the lost city of El Dorado to emerging science and technology, The Amazon Code has it all: action-packed adventure, an exotic setting, and characters you’ll fall in love with. Don’t miss the next Harvey Bennett thriller – the new action/adventure, science-fiction series from bestselling author Nick Thacker!

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Graveyard Shift (Lana Harvey, Reapers Inc. Book 1)

The inferno has evolved.

Lana Harvey is a reaper, and a lousy one at that. She resides in Limbo City, the modern capital of the collective afterlives, where she likes to stick it to the man (the legendary Grim Reaper himself) by harvesting the bare minimum of souls required of her. She’d much rather be hanging out with Gabriel, her favorite archangel, at Purgatory Lounge. But when a shocking promotion falls in her lap, Lana learns something that could unravel the very fabric of eternity. If the job isn’t completed, there could be some real hell to pay.