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Lost in Limbo: Lana Harvey, Reapers Inc., Books 1-3

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Bundled set of books one through three in Angela Roquet’s Lana Harvey, Reapers Inc. series.

1) Graveyard Shift

2) Pocket Full of Posies

3) For the Birds

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3 thoughts on “Lost in Limbo: Lana Harvey, Reapers Inc., Books 1-3

  1. A Blast !! OK, aside from some grammatical errors, I enjoyed the books. The errors were not as many or as bad as some books I have read, causing me to end up ‘tossing’ ( it is a kindle) aside out of annoyance, because there are so many, that it makes reading almost impossible. The errors were more of the spell correction type, they were spelled right, just the wrong word for the sentence. I got the first book free, and ended buying the collection, since it is cheaper that way. I had to read more about…

  2. Love this series! I found the first book for free in the kindle 100. I’m always psyched to find new authors and let me tell you… Ms. Roquet delivers. I promptly downloaded books 1-3. This series is fun, clever, and imaginative. I love her version of “after life,” especially the interplay between Gods, Reapers, Angels, Demons, etc. I can’t wait to see what kind of trouble Lana Harvey gets into next.

  3. I couldn’t finish them. The first book was good, I was prepared to tell everyone about them. Then I started reading the second book and it went down hill from there. The author turned the main character Lana into a slut that is TSTL too stupid to live. When Lana broke up with the Angel and had sex with a demon in the apartment the Angel paid for, the same day she broke up with the Angel. I was done. Some times multiple sex partners doesn’t make good drama. Some stuff messes up good fiction. I’m disappointed and angry…

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