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Chicken Soup for the Fuck You: Inspirations, Observations, and Character Assassinations

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“Chicken Soup for the Fuck You” is spit straight from the hyperactive brain of a lifelong oddball who has, to put it simply, seen some shit. In the process of finding her voice after a decade and a half of quiet, April Fox puts a wry spin on politics, religion, and the weird and wonderful aspects of real life, including parenting a herd of eclectic children. In between, there are periods of darkness, and those are reflected here too. In short, “Chicken Soup for the Fuck You” is a feel-good book for people who hate feel-good books. April’s work has been described as “Intoxicating… Awesome, inspiring, and resonating all the way.” “…a huge dose of reality.” “Enigmatic and thought-provoking, but still touching.” “…filthy.”

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3 thoughts on “Chicken Soup for the Fuck You: Inspirations, Observations, and Character Assassinations

  1. This is another one of those instances of someone taking … This is another one of those instances of someone taking the words right out of my mouth. Only she says them with more clarity and with slightly more use of the “F Word” than I do, which is an accomplishment in and of itself.

  2. I feel vindicated! The F-Word in a thing of beauty, wisdom, and light. DON’T EVER stop talking! What a profound writer! Not only can she turn a phrase to make reading fun and entertaining, but her insight into life and humanity provides a unique prospective guaranteed to invoke deep thought. She makes you more convicted to your beliefs, or she makes you reconsider the veracity of them. She gives credence to the theory that the more intelligent people swear the most. This book is for those who truly appreciate a well-placed and well-deserved form of the word “F***” – But…

  3. You need this. Buy this. You want this. Just don’t stop . ever. I really enjoy your realistic look at todays society and where it’s headed. Coming from a guy who tested around 160— you have this cerebral gift. Don’t end up like me. I could pass easily as “peaked in high school Rob Lowe” from the cable commercials. You have a talent thats relative to the comprehension of everything… I thought I was smart?? You make my IQ look like spray cheese. And I love you for it. You put words on paper that I look forward to digesting…

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