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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inspiration for Teachers: 101 Stories about How You Make a Difference

Teachers inspire students every day, and this new collection provides some much-needed inspiration for these dedicated educators. With great stories about teaching from teachers and stories of thanks from students, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inspiration for Teachers makes for a great teacher gift all year round!

Teachers will love the book’s heartfelt, inspiring, and humorous stories from inside and outside the classroom. Stories from teachers and students about their favorite memories, lasting lessons, and unforgettable moments will uplift and encourage any educator.

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Chicken Soup for the Fuck You: Inspirations, Observations, and Character Assassinations

“Chicken Soup for the Fuck You” is spit straight from the hyperactive brain of a lifelong oddball who has, to put it simply, seen some shit. In the process of finding her voice after a decade and a half of quiet, April Fox puts a wry spin on politics, religion, and the weird and wonderful aspects of real life, including parenting a herd of eclectic children. In between, there are periods of darkness, and those are reflected here too. In short, “Chicken Soup for the Fuck You” is a feel-good book for people who hate feel-good books. April’s work has been described as “Intoxicating… Awesome, inspiring, and resonating all the way.” “…a huge dose of reality.” “Enigmatic and thought-provoking, but still touching.” “…filthy.”

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Chicken Soup for the Cancer Survivor’s Soul *was Chicken Soup fo: Healing Stories of Courage and Inspiration (Chicken Soup for the Soul)

More than 100 cancer survivors share their personal stories in this touching new collection of Chicken Soup. These heartwarming accounts of courageous people who found the power to battle cancer in their endless hope, unwavering faith and steadfast determination will inspire you to adopt a positive attitude, discover your faith and cherish every moment.

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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inspiration for Nurses: 101 Stories of Appreciation and Wisdom

Becoming a nurse is a calling—it’s a tough job but a rewarding one. This collection of 101 heartwarming stories will encourage, inspire, and reassure you that your patients and their families appreciate your compassionate service.

Every nurse can use a little pick-me-up these days, and this collection of personal stories will remind you why you became a nurse. All types of nurses share their experiences, their emotions, and even some great tips that will help you make a difference in the lives of patients and their families.

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Chicken Soup for the Sports Fan’s Soul: Stories of Insight, Inspiration and Laughter from the World of Sports (Chicken Soup for the Soul)

This latest collection of Chicken Soup honors all that is good in the world of sports. From major leaguers to little leaguers, from hockey stars to figure skaters, and from horseracing to mushing, the stories in this book highlight the positive and transformative nature of sports.

Product Features

  • Used Book in Good Condition
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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Woman to Woman: Women Sharing Their Stories of Hope, Humor, and Inspiration

1.  Books represent a new thematic experience, even for readers of past books, as Chicken Soup has tightened the content, and books contain only relevant stories.  Out-of-date stories were eliminated.

2.  Each book contains 101 stories recompiled from dozens of past Chicken Soup titles.

3.  “Our 101 Best Stories” collection is an efficient way for new readers to obtain books covering Chicken Soup’s most popular topics.

4.  Every book has a warm and moving foreward from Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen explaining the company’s rebirth and its return to 101 stories per book.

Women have always been wonderful sources of inspiration and support for each other.  They are willing to lay bare their souls and share their experiences, even with perfect strangers.  Put two random women together in a room, on an airplane, in a line at the supermarket, and the sharing begins, often at the deepest level.


The first Chicken Soup for the Soul book was published in 1993, and became a publishing industry sensation, ultimately selling eight million copies.  The company went on to publish more than 150 Chicken Soup titles, selling more than 100 million copies, and becoming a household name.


Chicken Soup for the Soul has won dozens of awards over the past 15 years, and its founders, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen have become celebrity motivational speakers and authors.

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Chicken Soup for the Military Wife’s Soul: Stories to Touch the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit (Chicken Soup for the Soul)

A tribute to the women who uphold the written and unwritten oaths of service and of marriage.

All military personnel swear an oath to uphold the constitution and protect our country, while their spouses takes the unwritten oath to live a life of frequent moving, lengthy separations and endless anxieties. Their commitment requires a unique blend of patriotism, dedication, hard work and, most of all, flexibility.

The stories in Chicken Soup for the Military Wife’s Soul are written by military family members and the courageous women who themselves serve in the military. They celebrate the women who unite with kindred spirits to raise families, maintain homes and uphold the most positive attitudes when facing the fears of losing a loved one.

Each page in this special volume celebrates the unique bond between military wives and spouses and their dedication to home and country.

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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive: 101 Inspirational Stories about Counting Your Blessings and Having a Positive Attitude

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive will inspire and uplift readers with its stories of optimism, faith, and strength. In bad times, and good, readers will be heartened to keep a positive attitude. A great start to the New Year.

Every cloud has a silver lining. And the stories in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive will encourage readers to stay positive, because there is always a bright side. This book continues Chicken Soup for the Soul’s focus on inspiration and hope, reminding us that each day holds something to be thankful for.

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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Stay-at-Home Moms: 101 Inspirational Stories for Mothers about Hard Work and Happy Families

With stories by famous moms, including Jane Green, Melora Hardin, Liz Lange, Jodi Picoult, and Jill Kargman, and stories on other moms who elected to stay at home or work from home, every stay-at-home and work-from-home mom will view this book as having been written just for her!

A reissue of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Power Moms, this book contains 101 great stories from mothers who have made the choice to stay home, or work from home, while raising their families, These multi-tasking, high-performing women have become today’s power mom. Every stay-at-home and work-from-home mom will view this book as having been written just for her.