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20 Ways To Rekindle The Love In Your Marriage: A simple marriage counseling guide for couples

Simple Principles, Long Lasting Relationship

Do you feel your marriage is becoming boring, unbearable and Lacking in substance? Perhaps the relationship started on a strong note but have since gradually declined into a dull affair? Worry no more. In this book, Dr. Jane Smart takes you through – in a step-by-step fashion – twenty ways to rediscover the love and passion in your marriage. You’ll learn the secrets to a long lasting, loving and enjoyable relationship. The author shares tips she has learned from her very extensive experience of offering marriage-counseling services to numerous successful couples with relationships lasting more than 15+ years, as well as, personal experiences from her 12 years of marriage. She has a better idea of what works and what does not. When the principles explained in this book are applied correctly and consistently, you’ll definitely see positive improvements in your relationship.

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Chicken Soup for the Military Wife’s Soul: Stories to Touch the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit (Chicken Soup for the Soul)

A tribute to the women who uphold the written and unwritten oaths of service and of marriage.

All military personnel swear an oath to uphold the constitution and protect our country, while their spouses takes the unwritten oath to live a life of frequent moving, lengthy separations and endless anxieties. Their commitment requires a unique blend of patriotism, dedication, hard work and, most of all, flexibility.

The stories in Chicken Soup for the Military Wife’s Soul are written by military family members and the courageous women who themselves serve in the military. They celebrate the women who unite with kindred spirits to raise families, maintain homes and uphold the most positive attitudes when facing the fears of losing a loved one.

Each page in this special volume celebrates the unique bond between military wives and spouses and their dedication to home and country.

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Chicken Soup for the Prisoner’s Soul: 101 Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit of Hope, Healing and Forgiveness (Chicken Soup for the Soul)

Previously available only through free distribution to prisons, this life-changing book is the result of charitable donations from sales of Chicken Soup for the Christian Family Soul and gifts from thousands of individuals.