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Dear Madam President: An Open Letter to the Women Who Will Run the World

DEAR MADAM PRESIDENT is an empowering letter from former Hillary Clinton Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri to the first woman president, and by extension, to all women working to succeed in any field. By using lessons learned during her experiences with Hillary Clinton, President Obama, and Elizabeth Edwards–to name a few–Palmieri through each chapter creates a forward-thinking framework of inspirational and practical advice for all women everywhere–from boardrooms to living rooms–who are determined to seize control of their lives, their workplaces, and their country. DEAR MADAM PRESIDENT will turn the results of the 2016 election into something incredibly empowering for future female leaders and independent thinkers everywhere.
As a country, we haven’t wrapped our heads around what it should look like for a woman to be in the job of President. Our only models are men. This of course was seen during the Hillary Clinton campaign, and no one knows this better than Jennifer Palmieri. While wildly disappointed by the outcome of the election, Palmieri optimistically argues in the book that the Clinton candidacy and all she experienced on the campaign trail–confusion, admiration, hate, love, acceptance, rejection–can now open the country up to reimagining women in leadership roles. And that is what Palmieri takes on in this book–redefining expectations for women looking to lead and creating a blueprint for women candidates and leaders to follow.

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40 Days to Soul Enlightenment: Daily Affirmations To Open Your Heart To Gods Love

In 2012, I made the choice to stop controlling my life. It was time, I decided, for me to step back and listen to what God wanted for me, instead of trying to do it all on my own. My way had lead to many bad choices and I felt as though I was constantly running in circles, chasing my tail, and never really accomplishing anything significant. I was either maintaining or cleaning up my most recent mistake. This listening took the shape of a morning ritual, during which I would simply ask, “God, what is my lesson for today?” Then, as I listened to His guidance impressed upon my mind and heart, I would write His message, and apply it to my day. More than a year passed in this way. As I focused on each daily lesson, I could feel the love growing within my heart, and the light of my soul becoming brighter. Through this practice of listening, I was healed. This can be true for you, as well. As you open your heart to God’s love, your life will change. The light of your soul will shine in every corner of your life, and illuminate everyone around you. In these pages, I have shared forty of my most personal moments with God. It is my hope that divine light may shine through these words, and touch you, the reader. The guidance in these affirmations was not given just to me, for my growth, but to you, as well. My prayer for you is that the messages in these affirmations will touch your heart, bring heightened awareness to you, and assist you in balancing and calming the chatter of life. I truly believe that if you apply this daily guidance wholeheartedly, you will receive the same blessings of joy and peace that I received. It will take forty days for you to complete the affirmation practices in this book. In that time, I know that you will come to feel the power of love in your heart. The freedom you experience will be life-changing–but it’s just the beginning!

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Open Mind: Women’s Daily Inspiration for Becoming Mindful

From the author of Mother Wit, the much-loved guide to women’s spirituality, come crystalline daily readings that inspire and guide women toward mindfulness, compassion, and centered contemplation. Diane Mariechild’s practiced insight leads readers through the year with guided visualizations, advice, parables, and quiet inspiration that draws seekers toward the serene and ancient wisdom of Buddhism. This is clear and intelligent spiritual companion contains a wealth of stirring quotes from such luminaries as Alice Walker, Marion Wright Edelman, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Pema Chödrön, Charlotte Joko Beck, and Maya Angelou. Their voices inspire Mariechild’s graceful spiritual direction, which leads the Western mind toward a calm center and a compassionate engagement with the world.

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1,001 Pearls of Runners’ Wisdom: Advice and Inspiration for the Open Road

Within these pages, runners will find a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and even a little humor to encourage them in their sport. But whether comical or serious, the quotes contained here represent the finest writing and wisdom on running. Geared towards everyone from the long-distance enthusiast to the relative or friend of one, the musings collected are poignant, sentimental, and amazing. 1,001 Pearls of Runners’ Wisdom covers a wide swath of topics, ranging from training to coaching to marathons to shoes to diet, and even barefoot or natural running, a new trend inspired by Christopher McDougall’s national bestseller, Born to Run.

“I started the Boston Marathon as a 20-year-old girl, and came out the other end a grown woman.”
—Kathrine Switzer

“It has been said that the love of the chase is an inherent delight in man—a relic of an instinctive passion.”
—Charles Darwin

“A lot of people run a race to see who’s the fastest. I run to see who has the most guts.”
—Steve Prefontaine

“Don’t worry, everyone slows over time.”
—Bill Rodgers

“There’s nary an animal alive that can outrun a greased Scotsman.”
—Groundskeeper Willy, from The Simpsons

“Speed is sex … distance is love.”
—David Blaike, Canadian ultrarunner

“Gazelles run when they’re pregnant. Why should it be any different for women??”
—Joan Ullyot, M.D.

“I’m afraid the reason so many new runners quit is because they never get past the point of feeling like they have to run.”
—John Bingham

“Run softly by imagining a helium balloon attached to your head.”
—Lieutenant Colonel (Dr.) Dan Kuland, U.S. Air Force Chief of Health Promotion

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”
—Jim Ryun

“They were the lightest shoes I could find.”
—Ron Hill, elite British long-distance runner, on why he ran barefoot

“People [say to] me after a race, ‘I get so many blisters from shoes, if I run barefoot, it’s going to be worse.’ And I say, ‘Well that’s why I stopped wearing shoes because I got tired of getting blisters.'”
—Ken Bob Saxton, aka “Barefoot Ken Bob,” has run 76 marathons, 75 of them shoeless, since 1997

“The mile has all the elements of drama.”
—Roger Bannister

“Anything worth doing is going to be difficult.”
—Fauja Singh, 100 years old, after finishing the 2011 Toronto Marathon in 8:25

“One cannot run away from his behind.”
—African proverb

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The Key to Self-Empowerment: Open the Magic Inside Your Mind

The Key to Self-Empowerment is within you. This upbeat, positive book is an adventuresome, interactive guide into opening up the magical power of your mind and using it to create the reality you want to experience. This is so much more than a self-help book; it inspires you to make conscious choices and changes, and shows you how you can create miracles in every moment by using the magical power of your mind to enjoy a happier, more fulfilled life. Inside this book, you’ll discover how you create your experiences through your thoughts; recognize and neutralize negatives; turn problems into positive experiences; minimize stress and maximize happiness; and put the positive power of your mind into motion. This book shares all the secrets to the Law of Attraction and shows you how you can live the life you’ve always wanted. Visit Morpheus Books for more information.

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Knock at the Door: When Inspiration knocks, open the door 2015 Wall Calendar

The Knock at the Door wall calendar is an invitation to follow your dreams through the door of possibility to an enchanted land half dreamed, half remembered, and wholly adored. Crossing into that land of remembering your magical self requires only one thing: When Inspiration knocks, open the door.

A year of magic and inspiration on your wall. Frameable artbook-quality printing. The perfect gift for the fantasy and fairy-tale art enthusiast. 12 inspirational affirmations by Angi Sullins beautifully illustrated with fantasy art by acclaimed artists Aimee Stewart and Jena Dellagrottaglia. Printed on FSC Certified Mixed Source Paper with soy-based inks. Published by Amber Lotus, a carbon-negative US publishing company that has planted more than 330,000 trees since 2008. This calendar features US and Canadian legal holidays, phases of the moon, and important observances of the world’s major religions.

Angi Sullins lifts your imagination with her musings and insight into this wondrous world. A Knock at the Door was her first film and is now a book published by Amber Lotus, along with this celebrated wall calendar.

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The Tennis Book 1: Tennis Trivia, Jokes, Quips and Quotes Wimbledon, the French Open and the Davis Cup

Tennis Trivia, Jokes, Quips and Quotes A COLLECTION of hilarious tennis jokes, quips, quotes, one-liners, and stories from pros to beginners, the league player to the weekend warrior, and people that don’t even play tennis. This book is sure to suit any tennis player from grass and clay to hard court. It is presented in an easy to read format and design with hundreds of illustrations. There are quotes and observations from some of the best professional tennis players that ever lived, commentators and celebrities alike. All have some serious observations and comments that make you wonder—‘what is this person thinking?’ The illustrations add, more often, the comical element that leaves the reader with a chuckle and can be enjoyed by people that don’t even play tennis. This series of books bring new light to the tennis world and can be enjoyed by all ages from the tennis star wanna-bee’s to the tennis retiree’s. Includes records and stats for men’s, women’s and mixed team titles for Wimbledon.

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Open Your Heart: How to be a New Generation Feminine Leader

The divine feminine is rising and calling women to step into leadership. Tanya Paluso has captured the essence of what it means to be a new generation feminine leader. In raw, vulnerable prose, Tanya tells the story of her arduous journey to leadership and lays out how women – in sisterhood – will save the planet. It will be one woman at a time claiming her birthright and taking a stand for all that is good in the world. A new generation feminine leader is a woman who loves, accepts, and forgives herself. Open Your Heart helps bring women together in sisterhood to empower themselves and each other. With this book you learn about finding your voice and using it; claiming your power and vanquishing shame and blame; loving unconditionally for the sake of generations to come; and partnering with men in the most satisfying and heartfelt way possible. Tanya talks about feminine leadership as a rallying cry for putting yourself first so you can turn toward helping to save the rest of the planet. She takes the concepts of effective communication and collaboration out of theory and into actionable steps. In this book, you will learn how to personify, express and engage as a feminine leader in the world through core principles surrounding tribe, as well as embodied practices such as inquiry journaling and affirming rituals. You will know what you need to do next in your life after reading this book!

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Knock at the Door: When Inspiration Knocks, Open the Door 2014 Wall Calendar

Crossing into the land of remembering your magical self requires only one thing: when Inspiration knocks, open the door. The 2014 Knock at the Door calendar takes the viewer on a journey of the imagination through the world of fantasy, art, and inspiration.

In 2004 Duirwaigh President Angi Sullins sat down to write a poem for the artists who inspire her. Setting the poem to music and paintings, the short film A Knock at the Door was born. Posted on the Internet in December of that year, it caused an international sensation and has since been seen by over a million viewers. Between these pages lie a world of fantasy art and an invitation to follow your dreams through the door of possibility to an enchanted land half dreamed, half remembered, and wholly adored.

Angi Sullins is the founder of Duirwaigh, Inc., a multimedia entertainment group in Atlanta, Georgia. A Knock at the Door was her first film and is now a book published by Amber Lotus. Angi creates inspirational cards, books, and films with her partner, Silas Toball.

Amber Lotus calendars have been illuminating spirit in the world for 25 years.

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