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The President Is Missing

The White House is the home of the president of the United States, the most guarded, monitored, closely watched person in the world. So how could a US president vanish without a trace? And why would he choose to do so?  

An unprecedented collaboration between President Bill Clinton and the world’s best-selling novelist, James Patterson, The President Is Missing is a breathtaking story from the pinnacle of power. Full of what it truly feels like to be the person in the Oval Office – the mind-boggling pressure, the heartbreaking decisions, the exhilarating opportunities, the soul-wrenching power – this is the thriller of the decade, confronting the darkest threats that face the world today, with the highest stakes conceivable. 

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Killing the Deep State: The Fight to Save President Trump

At 2:45 a.m. on Nov. 8, 2016, television networks announced to a stunned nation that Pennsylvania had gone for Donald Trump, making him the president-elect of the United States, defying all odds in a surreal victory that sent the Deep State – well-funded hard-left extremists, the mainstream media, Obama/Clinton holdovers in the government bureaucracy, and clandestine forces within the US intelligence apparatus – into an immediate panic. 

By dawn on Nov. 9, they were already planning Trump’s demise: a political strategy calculated to block him from being inaugurated, and, if that failed, to ensure that he would not serve out his term as the 45th President of the United States. Investigative journalist and conspiracy expert Jerome Corsi goes into shocking detail about how this Deep State, or Shadow Government, secretly wields power in Washington and why it is dangerous. Corsi also defines a three-point strategy that Trump must employ to stay in office and have a successful first term. 

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Dear Madam President

Dear Madam President is an empowering letter from former Hillary Clinton Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri to the first woman president, and by extension, to all women working to succeed in any field. By using lessons learned during her experiences with Hillary Clinton, President Obama, and Elizabeth Edwards – to name a few – Palmieri through each chapter creates a forward-thinking framework of inspirational and practical advice for all women everywhere – from boardrooms to living rooms – who are determined to seize control of their lives, their workplaces, and their country. Dear Madam President will turn the results of the 2016 election into something incredibly empowering for future female leaders and independent thinkers everywhere.

As a country, we haven’t wrapped our heads around what it should look like for a woman to be in the job of President. Our only models are men. This of course was seen during the Hillary Clinton campaign, and no one knows this better than Jennifer Palmieri. While wildly disappointed by the outcome of the election, Palmieri optimistically argues in the book that the Clinton candidacy and all she experienced on the campaign trail – confusion, admiration, hate, love, acceptance, rejection – can now open the country up to reimagining women in leadership roles. And that is what Palmieri takes on in this book – redefining expectations for women looking to lead and creating a blueprint for women candidates and leaders to follow.

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Dear Madam President: An Open Letter to the Women Who Will Run the World

DEAR MADAM PRESIDENT is an empowering letter from former Hillary Clinton Communications Director Jennifer Palmieri to the first woman president, and by extension, to all women working to succeed in any field. By using lessons learned during her experiences with Hillary Clinton, President Obama, and Elizabeth Edwards–to name a few–Palmieri through each chapter creates a forward-thinking framework of inspirational and practical advice for all women everywhere–from boardrooms to living rooms–who are determined to seize control of their lives, their workplaces, and their country. DEAR MADAM PRESIDENT will turn the results of the 2016 election into something incredibly empowering for future female leaders and independent thinkers everywhere.
As a country, we haven’t wrapped our heads around what it should look like for a woman to be in the job of President. Our only models are men. This of course was seen during the Hillary Clinton campaign, and no one knows this better than Jennifer Palmieri. While wildly disappointed by the outcome of the election, Palmieri optimistically argues in the book that the Clinton candidacy and all she experienced on the campaign trail–confusion, admiration, hate, love, acceptance, rejection–can now open the country up to reimagining women in leadership roles. And that is what Palmieri takes on in this book–redefining expectations for women looking to lead and creating a blueprint for women candidates and leaders to follow.

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Santa Anna: The Life and Legacy of the Legendary Mexican President and General

The butcher of the Alamo and Goliad. The traitor who sold half of Mexico. The Napoleon of the West. Mr. Fifteen Nails. The Mother Country’s seducer. Almost 150 years after his death, a lot of name-calling is still being directed towards Antonio López de Santa Anna, president of Mexico 11 times in the 19th century, and today, the vast majority of his compatriots consider him the greatest traitor in history. It was not like that in his day; actually, there had never been a more popular man in Mexico, or anyone more eulogized and essential than General Santa Anna. In life he was the most famous – and at intervals most infamous – Mexican general and politician. Justo Sierra, the eminent writer and historian who watched him when he was a child, wrote that the masses came to regard him as a Messiah: “The people had a vague confidence that he could do miracles.” Sierra wrote that Santa Anna was “the indispensable man, the man for our times of crisis, our deus ex machina.” The political factions that rose against him and sent him into exile a couple of years later were knocking at his door begging him to come back when the nation was coming apart at its seams. Then Santa Anna returned to Mexico, and he seduced her, united the people, and formed armies out of thin air to fight the new threats to the motherland: Spain, France, and the United States.

At the same time, just as there are men who embody all the nation’s virtues – like Benito Juárez in Mexico or Abraham Lincoln in the United States – the Mexicans have, according to their official history, a villain by decree, guilty of all the evils except maybe the earthquakes. The most serious accusation is that Santa Anna let go half of Mexico’s territory to the United States. “Me? Selling half of Mexico?” says the General in Enrique Serna’s brilliant novel, The Mother Country’s Seducer. “For Christ’s sake! When will these childish Mexicans learn that if this ship sank, it was not the helmsman’s fault only, but the laziness and ineptitude of the oarsmen? Like all human beings, I have committed mistakes, and some had dire consequences. But from there to the monstrosity they want to blame me for, there is an abyss.”

The general was not a man of much learning, but he knew how to use the sentiment of the time, which is merely a way of saying that he was a skillful adventurer. He had the air for the office and loved all forms of display. More often than not he fell in disgrace, suffered the ingratitude of his people, and only by sheer luck was saved several times from being shot. His fortune always was, as so eloquently put in the 13th century poem Carmina Burana, changeable like the moon.

Santa Anna deserves a more objective judgment than that of official history. For his sins, he certainly paid, in part by living long past his time. It certainly would have been better for his reputation if he had gone sooner. But either way, his life story is more interesting than all but a select few, and it includes a little bit of everything, including glory, tragedy, intrigue, love, exile, and oblivion. Santa Anna: The Life and Legacy of the Legendary Mexican President and General looks at one of Mexico’s most important figures.

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Trumps Dumps: Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes that could Sway your Presidential Vote: Donald Trump for President 2016?

“Sadly, she’s no longer a 10” “If _______ can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think that she can satisfy America?” “_____’s disgusting both inside and out. You take a look at her, she’s a slob. She talks like a truck driver, she doesn’t have her facts, she’ll say anything that comes to her mind.” “Listen you m—–f——, we’re going to tax you 25 percent!” Love him or hate him, Donald trump is the master of great quotes! From his negotiating skills in the business world, his Real Estate empire, the Apprentice show on television, to his Presidential candidacy ideologies and doctrines, there is no shortage of outrageous statements that he has made over the years. Although there are many Trump books written about his biography and business deals, this book captures some of Trump’s most outrageous quotes, including the more recent ones of Heidi Klum to giving away Lindsey Graham’s cell phone number in a public speech. Whether he is building millions in personal finance, is discussing business and money, or running against Ben Carson for President, his “Think Big” philosophy also pertains to his loud mouth, which often provides a laugh. Get Trumps Dumps: Outrageous Donald Trump Quotes that could Sway your Presidential Vote today at this very low introductory price. It is sure to give you, your colleagues and family a good laugh!

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President Me CD: The America That’s In My Head

Imagine a world where New York Times bestselling author, comedian, actor, television, and podcast host Adam Carolla is the President of the United States. Can’t do it? You don’t have to! Adam has done it for you!

Podcast king Adam Carolla first shared his unique, but always funny world view in his New York Times bestseller In Fifty Years We’ll All Be Chicks—but he’s not done.

In President Me, Carolla shares his vision for a different, better America free from big issues like big government down to small problems like hotel alarm clock placement. Running on an anti-narcissism platform, President Carolla calls for a return to the values of an earlier time when stew and casserole were on every dinner table and there were no “service dogs” on airplanes. President Me hits right at the heart of what makes our country really annoying, and offers a plan to make all of our lives, but mostly Adam’s, much better.

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The President’s Devotional: The Daily Readings That Inspired President Obama

The President’s Devotional lets you start each day with the words that have inspired President Barack Obama, collected by Joshua DuBois, President Obama’s “Pastor-in-Chief” (Time magazine)—his spiritual advisor who also served as the executive director of the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships.

Every day, DuBois provided President Obama with a morning devotional weaving together scripture, song, prayer, and reflections, motivated by the spirit of God and infused with joyful flair. The President’s Devotional contains the best of these devotionals, daily spiritual guidance that offer peace, comfort, and inspiration throughout the entire year.