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Why Buddhism Is True: The Science and Philosophy of Enlightenment

From one of America’s greatest minds, a journey through psychology, philosophy, and lots of meditation to show how Buddhism holds the key to moral clarity and enduring happiness.

Robert Wright famously explained in The Moral Animal how evolution shaped the human brain. The mind is designed to often delude us, he argued, about ourselves and about the world. And it is designed to make happiness hard to sustain.

But if we know our minds are rigged for anxiety, depression, anger, and greed, what do we do? Wright locates the answer in Buddhism, which figured out thousands of years ago what scientists are discovering only now. Buddhism holds that human suffering is a result of not seeing the world clearly – and proposes that seeing the world more clearly, through meditation, will make us better, happier people.

In Why Buddhism Is True, Wright leads listeners on a journey through psychology, philosophy, and a great many silent retreats to show how and why meditation can serve as the foundation for a spiritual life in a secular age. At once excitingly ambitious and wittily accessible, this is the first book to combine evolutionary psychology with cutting-edge neuroscience to defend the radical claims at the heart of Buddhist philosophy. With bracing honesty and fierce wisdom, it will persuade you not just that Buddhism is true – which is to say, a way out of our delusion – but that it can ultimately save us from ourselves, as individuals and as a species.

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Enlightenment, Encouragement, Empowerment

Have you ever felt discouraged? Have you ever felt like you didn’t know what to do in life? Have you ever felt like no matter what anyone said, words cannot describe the way you should act? Well, Enlightenment, Encouragement, Empowerment may be the book for you. Enlightenment, Encouragement, Empowerment was created by Arthur M. Lewis in the hopes to teach, inspire, and motivate all kinds of people around the world. Readers will come across quotes that were formulated from past experiences of Arthur M. Lewis and realize that we are all different but with similar problems. The goal of this book is to have readers read a quote each day and apply it to their daily lives in the hopes to enlighten, encourage, and empower their true purpose.

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365 Great Quotes to Lift Up Your Life: Moving on Happiness, Enlightenment, Courage and Leadership

From ancient to now, when things get tough, lots of people turn to looking for wisdom for a bit of inspiration. That is how quotes work! Some include: “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” —Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” —Thomas Edison. An inspirational quote, I think, is one that enters your mind and never leaves and lasting deep impression in your life. We need Facebook and social media, but those inspirational quotes always lift up our life.

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Sassy Soul Advice: A modern woman’s guide to empowerment and enlightenment

Sassy Soul Advice was created to help empower and enlighten today’s woman. This book helps women from all walks of life who wish to further their growth both spiritually and emotionally. You will find that this book was written with the intention of helping others. All the chapters are easy to read with an exercise to do as well as an affirmation to say daily. Her blog and website can be accessed at

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40 Days to Soul Enlightenment: Daily Affirmations To Open Your Heart To Gods Love

In 2012, I made the choice to stop controlling my life. It was time, I decided, for me to step back and listen to what God wanted for me, instead of trying to do it all on my own. My way had lead to many bad choices and I felt as though I was constantly running in circles, chasing my tail, and never really accomplishing anything significant. I was either maintaining or cleaning up my most recent mistake. This listening took the shape of a morning ritual, during which I would simply ask, “God, what is my lesson for today?” Then, as I listened to His guidance impressed upon my mind and heart, I would write His message, and apply it to my day. More than a year passed in this way. As I focused on each daily lesson, I could feel the love growing within my heart, and the light of my soul becoming brighter. Through this practice of listening, I was healed. This can be true for you, as well. As you open your heart to God’s love, your life will change. The light of your soul will shine in every corner of your life, and illuminate everyone around you. In these pages, I have shared forty of my most personal moments with God. It is my hope that divine light may shine through these words, and touch you, the reader. The guidance in these affirmations was not given just to me, for my growth, but to you, as well. My prayer for you is that the messages in these affirmations will touch your heart, bring heightened awareness to you, and assist you in balancing and calming the chatter of life. I truly believe that if you apply this daily guidance wholeheartedly, you will receive the same blessings of joy and peace that I received. It will take forty days for you to complete the affirmation practices in this book. In that time, I know that you will come to feel the power of love in your heart. The freedom you experience will be life-changing–but it’s just the beginning!

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The Best Enlightenment Quotes & Passages To Awaken The Buddha Within

This timeless, little gem is filled with some of the most powerful Non-duality quotes ever written. Some of these writings are from Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Adyashanti, Sailor Bob Adamson, Tony Parsons, Osho, Alan Watts, Dogen, Papaji, Jean Klein, Shunryu Suzuki and J. Krishnamurti. This little book can be aptly described as a guide to your True Self, ceaselessly pointing you back to what you are – what you’ve always been. If you go beyond the actual words in this book and look to where the words point to, you may realize that what you were looking for never left you. With each quote and passage all pointing to Truth, Oneness and Enlightenment, you’re bound to find several that resonate deep within. And when you do, you may want to further explore that particular author. What you may discover is that all along you were the One you were seeking. It’s the open secret everyone is looking for but can’t seem to find, until now.

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Enlightenment Quotes & Passages To Awaken The Buddha Within

This timeless, little gem is filled with some of the most powerful Non-duality quotes ever written. Some of these writings are from Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Adyashanti, Sailor Bob Adamson, Tony Parsons, Osho, Alan Watts, Dogen, Papaji, Jean Klein, Shunryu Suzuki and J. Krishnamurti. This little book can be aptly described as a guide to your True Self, ceaselessly pointing you back to what you are – what you’ve always been. If you go beyond the actual words in this book and look to where the words point to, you may realize that what you were looking for never left you. With each quote and passage all pointing to Truth, Oneness and Enlightenment, you’re bound to find several that resonate deep within. And when you do, you may want to further explore that particular author. What you may discover is that all along you were the One you were seeking. It’s the open secret everyone is looking for but can’t seem to find, until now.

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Inspiration in the Age of Enlightenment

Inspiration in the Age of Enlightenment reconsiders theories of apostrophe and poetic authority to argue that the Augustan age created a new form of inspiration, one that not only changed the relationship of literary production to authority in the modern period but also crucially contributes to defining the movement of secularization in literature from the Renaissance to Romanticism. Seeking to redefine what we mean by secularization in the early stages of modernity, Eron argues that secularization’s link to enthusiasm, or inspiration, often associated with Romanticism, begins in the imaginative literature of the early eighteenth century. If Romantic enthusiasm has been described through the rhetoric of transport, or “unworlding,” then Augustan invocation appears more akin to a process of “worlding” in its central aim to appeal to the social other as a function of the eighteenth-century belief in a literary public sphere. By reformulating the passive structure of ancient invocation and subjecting it to the more dialogical methods of modern apostrophe and address, authors such as the Third Earl of Shaftesbury, Alexander Pope, Henry Fielding, and Anna Laetitia Barbauld formally revise inspiration in a way that generates a new and distinctive representation of the author. In this context, inspiration becomes a social gesture—an apostrophe to a friend or judging spectator or an allusion to the mental or aesthetic faculties of the author himself, his genius. Articulating this struggle toward modernity at its inception, this book examines modern authority at the moment of its extraordinariness, when it was still tied to the creative energies of inspiration, to the revelatory powers that marked the awakening of a new age, an era and an ethos of Enlightenment.

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Channeling with Buddha: Find Enlightenment to Heal Your Life

When you read Buddha’s messages, you will connect with the Buddha’s energy to activate Buddha consciousness in your heart that you already have. That will shift your mind and soul and consciousness. Buddha’s 108 messages can lead you to understand the following: • How to create real happiness in your life.
• How to open your possibilities.
• How to get through your time of difficulties or suffering.
• Why karma was created in your life.
• How to purify your past.
• About spiritual world or the soul’s secrets.
• After life and death of humans and animals.
• How to get help from heaven.
Whenever you think, you are protected and guided by Buddha. Buddha is always staying with you. Buddha is in your heart.