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Clearing Emotional Blocks: Hypnosis/Meditation CD

Relax while reprogramming your subconscious to let go of past experiences, emotions and beliefs that have been keeping you from thriving in your life. By Nationally Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Instructor, Jennifer Polle, this hypnosis process was developed as a result of working with private clients and students who were dealing with past trauma or abuse, anxiety, self-esteem issues, or who simply felt that something was keeping them “stuck” in their lives. It’s a recommended pre-requisite to her “Intuitive Eating for Weight Release” Hypnosis/Meditation CD, and is helpful for just about anyone wanting to feel more confident, self-assured, and at peace in how they approach their life, their relationships, and in how they feel about themselves.

Note: All of Jennifer Polle’s CDs are offered as an adjunct to appropriate medical and mental healthcare, and are in no way intended to replace it. Please consult a physician and/or mental health professional regarding any concerns you may have before using any of her CD processes.