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The Power of Interest for Motivation and Engagement

The Power of Interest for Motivation and Engagement describes the benefits of interest for people of all ages. Using case material as illustrations, the volume explains that interest can be supported to develop, and that the development of a person’s interest is always motivating and results in meaningful engagement. This volume is written for people who would like to know more about the power of their interests and how they could develop them: students who want to be engaged, educators and parents wondering about how to facilitate motivation, business people focusing on ways in which they could engage their employees and associates, policy-makers whose recognition of the power of interest may lead to changes resulting in a new focus supporting interest development for schools, out of school activity, industry, and business, and researchers studying learning and motivation. It draws on research in cognitive, developmental, educational, and social psychology, as well as in the learning sciences, and neuroscience to demonstrate that there is power for everyone in leveraging interest for motivation and engagement.

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Motivation Matters and Interest Counts: Fostering Engagement in Mathematics

Why do smart people disengage from mathematical pursuits… and how can we reverse the trend?

This book is designed to be the go-to source for information on mathematical motivation. It presents the full body of research on motivation in a useful, interesting, and provocative matter.