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Golden Nuggets of Inspiration: 40 Days of Transformational Wisdom & Quotes for Kingdom Living

Golden Nuggets of Inspiration is a gilt-edged and thought provoking collection of spiritual wisdom and prophetic insight from Dr. David D. Pittman that encourages and elevates every believer and enriches the body of Christ. Whether young or old, this 40-day journey of inspirational quotes is sure to transform your spiritual life and help you to overcome everyday life challenges for advanced kingdom living.

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Bird Cards: The Healing Power of the Bird Kingdom

Birds have more to offer us than beautiful, colorful feather suits and merry chants. They can also support us with their own special healing powers, in times we can really use it. Each bird has its unique eloquence. Everyone knows for instance the owl, expressing wisdom and knowledge, or the stork, associated with birth, or the mythical phoenix, arising from its ashes. Jane Toerien describes the characteristic energies of 55 birds and completes each description with a meditative affirmation. Joyce van Dobben brings the birds to life with the powerful drawings that adorn these cards.