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Quilt Local: Finding Inspiration in the Everyday (with 40 Projects)

For Heather Jones, inspiration can be anywhere. For her debut book, Quilt Local, she designed a collection of 20 quilts, each inspired by objects and places close to home—country roads, cityscapes, street signs—the landscape of her existence. Then, in a fascinating exercise in color theory and design play, she reworked each one in a second palette to show what a striking difference just a few basic changes can make.
Pattern by pattern, Jones takes readers behind the scenes of her process, sharing photographs of her sources of inspiration, sketchbook pages, and the finished quilts. In addition, she offers an accessible lesson in color theory as it applies to quiltmaking.

Product Features

  • STC-91768
  • 9781617691768
  • Brand New Item / Unopened Product
  • Abrams Publishing
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The Local Economy Solution: How Innovative, Self-Financing “Pollinator” Enterprises Can Grow Jobs and Prosperity

Reinventing economic development as if small business mattered

In cities and towns across the nation, economic development is at a crossroads. A growing body of evidence has proven that its current cornerstone―incentives to attract and retain large, globally mobile businesses―is a dead end. Even those programs that focus on local business, through buy-local initiatives, for example, depend on ongoing support from government or philanthropy. The entire practice of economic development has become ineffective and unaffordable and is in need of a makeover.

The Local Economy Solution suggests an alternative approach in which states and cities nurture a new generation of enterprises that help local businesses launch and grow. These cutting-edge companies, which Shuman calls “pollinator businesses,” are creating jobs and the conditions for future economic growth, and doing so in self-financing ways.

Pollinator businesses are especially important to communities that are struggling to lift themselves up in a period of economic austerity, when municipal budgets are being slashed. They also promote locally owned businesses that increase local self-reliance and evince high labor and environmental standards.

The book includes nearly two dozen case studies of successful pollinator businesses―in the United States and abroad―that are creatively facilitating business and neighborhood improvements, entrepreneurship, local purchasing, local investing, and profitable business partnerships. Examples include Main Street Genome (which provides invaluable data to improve local business performance), Supportland (which is developing a powerful loyalty card for local businesses), and Fledge (a business accelerator that finances itself through royalty payments). It also shows how the right kinds of public policy can encourage the spread of pollinator businesses at virtually no cost.

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Love Comes Along: The Best Mistake, Local Hero

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts come two classic tales about finding the man of your dreams right under your nose

The Best Mistake

Ex-model Zoe Fleming is now a hardworking single mom—and she wouldn’t have it any other way. Though she would like a tenant to share household expenses. What she gets is confirmed bachelor J. Cooper McKinnon. Coop quickly befriends her son and in no time has the reluctant Zoe charmed, too. But she has zero room in her life for a man! Either this was a recipe for disaster or the best mistake she’s ever made.

Local Hero

Hester Wallace is proud of her independence. She needs only one man in her life—her nine-year-old son, Radley. But when Rad starts idolizing their neighbor Mitch Dempsey, Hester wonders if her son needs a male role model. Hester would do anything for her boy, but inviting Mitch into their lives is dangerous. She might start to rely on Mitch… or worse, fall in love with him.