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Oprah: 40 Inspirational Life Lessons And Powerful Wisdom From Oprah Winfrey (Inspirational Motivation and Happiness)

Powerful Wisdom And Exceptional Life Lessons From Oprah Winfrey As the first black female on the Forbes billionaire list, it was obvious that Oprah Winfrey was not only a great talk show host but a smart business woman. From humble beginnings, Oprah has had a lifetime of experiences and touched the lives of millions of people. Her long running show The Oprah Winfrey Show covered a wide range of topics with sensitivity and dignity. It is from these experiences that Oprah has developed philosophies which can help anyone through all aspects of their lives. This book compiles 40 of Oprah’s inspirational life lessons and powerful wisdom. This includes: Inspiration to find your true passion and dreams Understanding of the barriers stopping you from achieving your goals Learning to recognize the positive influences in life Embracing your sense of self and the guidance of your inner voice. Whether you are looking to boost your career prospects, improve your relationships or ignite personal growth, Oprah’s life lessons can help. If you have been yearning to change your mindset, your life, your finances, your relationships then consider immersing yourself into the quintessential wisdom of Oprah Winfrey – one of the most respected women in the world. Oprah’s inspirational quotes and life lessons can help you towards accomplishing your goals and achieving your dreams.

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Creating the Perfect Lifestyle (Influenced by: Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, Jesus, Jack Canfield, CS Lewis, Rick Warren, The Bible, Anthony Robbins, Oprah)

Create the Life of Your Dreams in 7 Days – Amazon #1 Bestseller

Are you living the life you were created for?

Is your life FILLED with, health, energy, wealth, joy and free time?

Then today is the day YOU start to create your Perfect Lifestyle.

WARNING: This book WILL change your life. Buy it now because your life can be FANTASTIC.

I am regular guy who used to work long and brutal hours for a big corporation. One day I woke up and I had a revelation:
“Life is not about working your butt off for someone else – life is about following your passions and creating a fantastic life for yourself and those around you. Life is actually about LIFESTYLE.”

I spent the next few years researching success and achievement, and applied the strategies to my own life. I have successfully set goals, made plans and achieved a fantastic lifestyle. So I decided to write a book revealing the strategies and formula that anyone can use to transform their life.

So welcome to a Step by Step Guide to Creating the life of your dreams.
Less than one book in 1,000 has more than 100 “5 star” reviews on Amazon. Scroll up and purchase now to see why this book has over 100 “5 star” reviews.

How YOU can enjoy success and achievement in:

– Relationships;
– Money;
– Health and Energy;
– Joy;
– Fulfillment; and
– More Time.

The purpose of this book is to help you decide on and then achieve your Perfect Lifestyle.

This book contains the strategies and the formula for creating a Fantastic Lifestyle. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Oli Hille

PS: Scroll up & click the buy button today. You’re 7 days away from creating a wonderful life!

PPS: Scroll up and click the book cover to “Look Inside”. You can read the first 26 pages of the book for FREE!

Tags: Tony Robbins, Anthony Robbins, Oprah, Success, Motivational, Achievement, Financial Freedom, Peak Performance, Self Help, Self Help Book, Personal Development, Motivational,
Self-Help, Change My Life, Transformational, Lifestyle, Passive Income, Early Retirement, Money, Income, Real Estate, Personal Growth, Christian, Christian Life, Freedom, Christianity, The Success Principles, The Secret, Rhonda Byrne, Personal Power, Unleash the Power Within, Ultimate Edge, Oprah’s Book Club, Oprah Magazine, Jesus, God, Christian self help, Respect, Faith, Joy, Abundance, Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, Anthony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump, Brian Tracy, Rick Warren, Joel Osteen, Jack Canfield, Brendon Burchard, Napoleon Hill, Malcolm Gladwell, Steve Pavlina, Wayne Dyer, Stephen Covey, Vic Johnson, CS Lewis, The Bible, Mother Teresa, Og Mandino, Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela.