There are many books about the highly successful, the rich and famous, those that change the world. But what about…

"For the play-it-safers... I am under no obligation to make sense to you." Sharon Lee Zapata From the creator of…

The supermodel, noted entrepreneur, activist, and philanthropist shares her unexpected path to self-discovery and the lessons that have shaped her…

Kathy Ireland first gained recognition as a supermodel, but today she is respected for her design talents and business acumen…

A revolutionary guide to achieving peace of mind by seeking the roots of humor behavior in character and by learning…

Superstar comedian and Hollywood box-office star Kevin Hart turns his immense talent to the written word by writing some words.…

Discover the most valuable and inspiring quotes from Maya Angelou, one of the most phenomenal women ever. Her quotes and…

Superstar comedian and Hollywood box-office star Kevin Hart turns his immense talent to the written word by writing some words.…

There are Only Two Types of Habits: The Good and the Bad "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then,…