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Car Talk Classics: Four Perfectly Good Hours

Four all-time favorite episodes from the popular radio show—complete, unexpurgated, and hilarious.

Click and Clack may be America’s most trusted car repair experts. They are certainly the funniest, as millions of listeners who tune in each week to Car Talk can attest. As each show unfolds, it develops its own zany feeling and rhythm, sometimes due to the strength of the coffee or a particularly large burr in Tommy’s undershorts.

This Car Talk set is for fans who want to waste another four perfectly good hours. Rather than a “best of” collection, it’s four complete shows—every call, every joke, every “Don’t drive like my brother” admonition, every puzzler, every punny mention of a fictional show staff member (chauffeur Picov Andropov, night club manager Don Kashane), and every maniacal laugh.

The four shows include the 2002 Mother’s Day extravaganza with Click and Clack’s long-suffering mom, and “You Can’t Do It Unless the Number Is Two” from February 2001, the show that gave birth to a new Car Talk mantra and exposed Tommy’s radical views on education (like, it should end after 7th grade).

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Loveable Liam: Affirmations for a Perfectly Imperfect Child (Liam Says) (Liam Books)

Liam is lovable even when he whines and won’t eat his dinner. When people are cross with Liam, they still love him. Being cross will only last a minute. Love will last forever!

All children require discipline and boundaries. They need to be taught manners, traditions, morality and social conduct. With all these constant lessons and corrections, children can sometimes be left feeling overly criticized or unloved. Lovable Liam takes a moment to honor a child for who he is. It reminds parents to let their child know they are wonderful and precious deeply valued by friends and family, even when people are cross with them.

Vibrant, colorful and lively, this book’s positive messages and advice are ideal for young children wanting to understand how relationships work.