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Love, Lust and Liam (Wyatt Brothers)

My name is Liam Wyatt, and my brother, Oliver, and I are the founders and owners of Wyatt Enterprises. He found love, and I was still trying. After dating a countless number of women throughout the years, I was ready to have a real relationship with the possibility of settling down. I could have any woman I wanted.

So what was the problem, you ask? I didn’t want just any woman. I wanted the one. Unfortunately, I still hadn’t found her – until Avery Lewis walked into my life and turned my world upside down. She was everything I wanted in a woman all wrapped up in a beautiful and breathtaking package. The problem was she didn’t want a relationship. She had built a wall around her, and I was going to do everything I could to break through that wall and make her a permanent part of my life.

My name is Avery Lewis, and I moved to New York when I landed a job at Finn, Muir & Abernathy, one of the most influential law firms in the country. I moved from Danbury, Connecticut, when an office romance went bad, and I wanted to start my life over, focusing on my career and my career only. Men were off limits. A girl can take only so much heartbreak in a lifetime.

Then Liam Wyatt walked into my life and turned my world upside down. He was a man who could have any woman in the world, yet he wanted me. Sexy, smart, and genuinely a nice guy – but not enough for me to let my half glass/half stone wall I built around me down. The problem was that I was falling for him on such a deep level, it scared me. Between my past and my daddy issues, the poor guy didn’t stand a chance. He was determined to make me a part of his life, and I was determined to run.

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I Love Liam!: Personalized Children’s Book with Affirmations

I LOVE LIAM! is a personalized picture book for any child named LIAM. The name LIAM is featured as the star of the story (an adorable dog) and in the dedication. Designed to promote confidence and well-being, the story is full of positive affirmations for children. Throughout the story, LIAM shares the reasons why he is loved, and in a surprise ending, he reveals a powerful source of love (himself!).



Affirmations Make a Big Difference: I just read this book and loved it! Although it’s written for children, anyone (young or old) can benefit from its wisdom. I firmly believe that affirmations make a big difference in the way we see the world. And this book is written is such a way that kids of all ages will gain from it. Kudos, Suzanne, for writing it and for serving the world. ~ Jay Platt of Unstoppable Insights My 3.5 year old son received this book as a gift, but I have to say the affirmations spoke to me as well! You’re never too old to be reminded that you should love yourself and celebrate all that is great about you! ~ Stephanie, Mother of Ben An AMAZING Gift! Everyone should have this book!: This book is truly special!! From the front cover to the back cover it is an amazing gift! The photos are bright and fun, full of life and love…. and isn’t that what life is all about! This book would be a special gift for ANYONE young or old. We all need an extra reminder now and then of who and what makes the most impact on our lives. I will be filling my Christmas shopping list by ordering several more. This will be a gift with meaning and substance. ~ Anny I am ordering a duplicate set. I absolutely love these books. Will give to grandsons for Christmas gifts and keep one set at my house to read together when little boys come to visit. ~ Lauralee This book has a warm, playful theme that kids will love, adults will feel good reading such positive affirmation for their kids to read over and over again. I highly recommend a copy for home and as a gift for loved ones! ~ Sarah, Mother of Gabrielle and Annika As a mom of two little girls, I’m pretty picky about their toys and books. Trust me, there are a lot of crappy children’s books out there- it isn’t easy to write a good one… This book has been effective at helping her to build confidence in herself and around animals. What a great combination! ~ Amy, Mother of 2 Girls My twins give four thumbs up! Ms. Marshall has a gift for touching the hearts of her young readers, as well as those who are young at heart. ~ Leila, Luke and Sasha

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Loveable Liam: Affirmations for a Perfectly Imperfect Child (Liam Says) (Liam Books)

Liam is lovable even when he whines and won’t eat his dinner. When people are cross with Liam, they still love him. Being cross will only last a minute. Love will last forever!

All children require discipline and boundaries. They need to be taught manners, traditions, morality and social conduct. With all these constant lessons and corrections, children can sometimes be left feeling overly criticized or unloved. Lovable Liam takes a moment to honor a child for who he is. It reminds parents to let their child know they are wonderful and precious deeply valued by friends and family, even when people are cross with them.

Vibrant, colorful and lively, this book’s positive messages and advice are ideal for young children wanting to understand how relationships work.