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Nursing from Within: A Fresh Alternative to Putting Out Fires and Self-Care Workarounds

At a time when health care is going through major change, nurses—known for being highly capable in a crisis—are being forced to take on more and more responsibilities. In this increasingly stressful environment, nurses need new ways to make sure they are taking care of themselves so they don’t succumb to the physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion of caring for everyone and everything else.

Nursing from Within: A Fresh Alternative to Putting Out Fires and Self-Care Workarounds offers the innovative solutions today’s nurses need.

Although it outlines the problems nurses face, this book is not about trying to change the working environment. Rather, it’s about altering inner perspectives. With boundless energy and passion, it addresses an element that’s largely missing from nursing self-care programs focusing on diet and health: the spiritual self.

Taking a holistic approach that incorporates spiritual and energy principles such as Reiki, Nursing from Within teaches you how to connect with your authentic self. Author Elizabeth Scala’s enthusiasm is contagious, as she shares proven and effective strategies for creating shifts in your perspective, empowering you to take on the challenges of nursing with a confidence and vitality that will bring the joy back to your chosen profession.

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Walking the Walk: Putting the Teachings into Practice When It Matters Most

You’ve studied the teachings and learned the practices-but out in the real world, how well do you embody and express the truths you’ve worked so hard to discover? How do we actually put into practice all the good advice we’ve been given? Created to help us respond with compassion and awareness when the skills and insights we’ve acquired are put to the test, Walking the Walk brings us a wholly practical new audio program from the one and only Pema Chödrön.


The teachings on these CDs are not about perfection or setting up unrealistic standards for ourselves. Applicable in both good and difficult times and suitable for both new and longtime students, here are some of Buddhism’s most fundamental and profound lessons for navigating with wisdom the delicate steps we must take on the spiritual journey.  Â