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Empowered Being: Reminding Us to Heal

This book is an invitation to the inner revolution. It is a motivational content for the Human Being that begins to recognize itself as a Sacred Being. It is not possible to locate the content of this work within a static category, because its literary form promotes movement in every sense: intellectual, emotional and above all spiritual. Ideal for those who are on the path of encounter and discovery of their own Being. Perfect incentive for those who have decided that fear will never have power over them and are in search of effective and efficient tools. It is an open door to the integration of the duality in which we are immersed and from which we want to transcend ourselves. A literary gift from someone who one day discovered that it was worthy of the greatest love ever imagined, and decided to tell the world that we were all made of the same sacred substance. And who is also pleased to be a host more than the Age of light that is beginning … EMPOWERED BEING (Reminding Us to Heal) contains two healing and empowering techniques: one of meditation and one of mantralization. Author: María Celeste Urdiros. Artwork of the Cover and Meditations Inka Tuaria: Gisela Riquelme Spanish Website: Soon! English Website: