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Dragon Trials: Return of the Darkening, Volume 1

High-born Agathea Flamma intends to bring honor to her family by following in her brothers’ footsteps and taking her rightful place as a Dragon Rider. With her only other option being marriage, Thea will not accept failure. She’s not thrilled at her awkward, scruffy partner, Seb, but their dragon has chosen, and now the unlikely duo must learn to work as a team. Seventeen-year-old Sebastian has long been ashamed of his drunken father and poor upbringing, but then he’s chosen to train as a Dragon Rider at the prestigious academy. Thrust into a world where he doesn’t fit in, Seb finds a connection with his dragon that is even more powerful than he imagined. Soon, he’s doing all he can to succeed and not embarrass his new partner, Thea. When Seb hears rumors that an old danger is reemerging, he and Thea begin to investigate. Armed only with their determination and the dragon they both ride, Thea and Seb may be the only defense against the Darkening that threatens to sweep the land. Together, they will have to learn to work together to save their kingdom…or die trying.

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Doctor Who 4.8 – Return to Telos

This range of two-part audio dramas stars Tom Baker reprising his most popular role as the Fourth Doctor (from 1974 – 1981) with a number of his original TV companions. This fourth series reunites the Doctor with savage warrior Leela (Louise Jameson) for adventures across Time and Space! The Doctor reveals to Leela that they’re heading for the planet Telos. And K9 has new masters…On Telos, in the past, the Second Doctor and Jamie are exploring the ‘tomb of the Cybermen’. Meanwhile, the Cyber-Controller and Cyber-Planner consolidate their plans. Spare parts from Krelos are being used to construct a mighty Cyber army. The Doctor must be captured. Out of control, the TARDIS tumbles down a chasm and the Doctor and Leela find themselves caught up in full-scale planetary invasion. The fourth series in a Big Finish range which is hugely popular with fans of the classic TV series Doctor Who. Frazer Hines and Bernard Holley reprise roles from 1967’s Doctor Who story The Tomb of the Cybermen. As well as Doctor Who, Louise Jameson has been seen in Bergerac, Eastenders, and many other UK shows and has written one of the scripts in Big Finish’s impending Survivors – Series 2. CAST: Tom Baker (The Doctor), Louise Jameson (Leela), John Leeson (K9), Frazer Hines (Jamie) Bernard Holley (Peter Haydon), Michael Cochrane (Geralk), Veronica Roberts (Relly), Nicholas Briggs (the Cybermen).

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The Return of Rafe MacKade (The MacKade Brothers)

New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts returns with the classic tales of the MacKade brothers—their rebellions, their passions and their loves

Ten years after disappearing from Antietam, Maryland, the bad boy has come home. Cleaned up and successful now—though still dangerously good-looking—Rafe MacKade sets the town on fire…and tongues wagging. Not even lovely newcomer Regan Bishop is immune to his charms. Though Regan claims to not want to get involved with a rebel, Rafe’s pretty sure that her reaction to their sizzling kisses suggests otherwise….

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A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”

Back by popular demand — and newly updated by the author — the mega-bestselling spiritual guide in which Marianne Williamson shares her reflections on A Course in Miracles and her insights on the application of love in the search for inner peace.

Williamson reveals how we each can become a miracle worker by accepting God and by the expression of love in our daily lives. Whether psychic pain is in the area of relationships, career, or health, she shows us how love is a potent force, the key to inner peace, and how by practicing love we can make our own lives more fulfilling while creating a more peaceful and loving world for our children.

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Return: Daily Inspiration for the Days of Awe

In her new book, Return: Daily Inspiration for the Days of Awe, Dr. Erica Brown, one of today’s most sought-after Jewish educators, leads the reader on a transformative journey spanning the ten days between Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur. In her distinct interdisciplinary approach, Brown presents an original guide to teshuva that is both highly scholarly and deeply personal. For each day, the book offers a biblical- or rabbinic-themed essay, passages for textual study, and a practical exercise of self-improvement. The result is an engaging dialogue with both text and self, empowering Jews of all backgrounds to connect to the Days of Awe.

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A Return to Love Workshop: The Basics of A Course in Miracles

On July 1-3, 2011, Marianne Williamson taught a workshop on A Course in Miracles in Los Angeles, California. The topic of the weekend was how miracles — shifts in thinking from fear to love — make all the difference in how we live and how we feel. Learning to think differently — to stand psychologically and emotionally on a different ground of being — is the spiritual journey from anxiety to inner peace. This audio workshop deals with practical issues such as: How do we make the switch from fear to love? What are the practical keys? What makes a miracle happen? What makes forgiveness more than just a word, what does it offer us, and how do we do it? Where do our relationships fit in? Why are they often painful, and how can they be miraculous instead? In what way is our relationship to God the key to our success in the world? How do we find inner peace, and help create peace in the world around us?

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Return of the Angels

Return of the Angels explains everything about angels. Explore the origin of these celestial beings and how they are related to God. Learn about Paradise, the Four Great Archangels, and the seven heavens and the angels who protect them. Discover your own guardian angel and how you can obtain his or her help when problems arise in your life. You will find messages and prophecies for the new millennium, plus biographies of 900 angels.In one of the more fascinating books on angels out there, author Migene Gonzalez-Wippler impresses the reader with the sheer weight of her academic research and scientific understanding of angel phenomena, and she entertains with engaging prose, literary acumen, and astonishing first-hand experiences with Archangel Michael. After regaling the reader with numerous stories of angel encounters and explanations of the celestial hierarchy, angelic language, the seven heavens, and paradise, she teaches rituals to invoke or evoke (the two are different) angelic presence. While the author confesses to being a devout Catholic, even the most skeptical may begin looking over their shoulders after reading this one. You’ll find out that there is simply no reason not to accept the fact that angels exist. Like Tinkerbell, the more deeply one believes, the more likely an angel will manifest from our collective unconscious. Black-and-white illustrations illuminate this scholarly yet magical and inspiring volume. –P. Randall Cohan

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Soul Reunion: The Return Home From Separation

Reunion with the Divine is our Purpose
Embodiment of that Union is Our Fulfillment

What would it be like for you if you knew that all your challenges, struggles, pain, and heartache are simply your wounds of separation revealing themselves to you so that you might be more fully connected? All that has been held separate in you longs to be open to the field of divine connection.

What if you knew how to give these aspects of you that have been held in separation the gift of reunion with the Spirit that gives them the life that heals? Through Soul Reunion, The Return Home From Separation you will have the opportunity to open to healing your deepest wounds that keep you from fulfilling your greatest longing: to be in union with, and expand your connection to, your beloved Spirit and the field of all of creation. Your wounds transform into resources for the expression of your creative wealth – your life!

Love yourself enough to give every precious part of you the gift of union with the universal heart of Love.
May Soul Reunion bring you the prosperous connection to the grandeur of Spirit you long to embody!

Susann Taylor Shier is committed to inspiring the people of this world to access and live from the magnificence of their soul gifts, strengths and purposes and offers tools that bridge the soulful and heart-centered self to the vibrant, joyful expression of life. Her mission is to see each individual’s Soul destiny known and fulfilled. Susann presents Soul Mastery, Soul Radiance and Soul Reunion workshops, book events, trainings and teleclasses, and has been featured on numerous T.V. and radio shows. She travels across the US and works internationally as a psychotherapist and intuitive counselor with clients both in person and on the telephone.

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Return to Life: An Empowerment of the Spirit

How many of us can really say we have lived life to its fullest? Nowadays, we are reduced to bullet points and a list of “things to do” … today, this week, this year, in this lifetime. We are all born with these very primal instincts and needs. We view the world with this sense of awe and wonderment, when we are children. But where does it go? We grow into adulthood and we somehow shed these once cherished views. We become intricately tangled in the web of life; modern life anyways, as modern technology creeps in from every angle, we slip easily into automaton mode. The change happens so gradual, that we don’t even notice! Until one day, we look back and wonder; What ever happened to my bullet point? To my goals? To my will? To my REAL needs? The answer to these questions, is often sought after “outside” of ourselves, somewhere unreachable, and far away. Within ourselves we hold the key to passage into the bliss we seek all our lives. Therein are the answers to the “Perception” we have of life. We have the power to co-create our environment by adjusting our perceptions, and view life in a whole new way, to finally discover that although lost… it is now time to Return to Life! Religion, ethnicity, ancient customs, or traditional beliefs, have nothing to do with this. That is what makes this message so different from any other. This book is about the Inner Journey that one must take, in order to re-discover that perception within that allowed us to live free once, and experience things to their maximum potential. We seek this knowledge as if we know we “lost” it. Return to Life! Takes the reader on a journey in search for this inner truth, to find and remember who we are, and who we are meant to be. Feel inspired by the beautiful Full Color Illustrations included as each chapter cover, by world renowned artist Jonathon Earl Bowser. Travel along this colorful scenery of wondrous imagery, as you are taken deeper and deeper into your inner core for all the answers you seek. As you read each chapter, you will begin to “see” the difference in your life. Open your eyes and see what life is really about, and realize that we incapacitate or “self-sabotage” ourselves most of the time. Learn to let go of control, in order to gain it. Included are comprehensive visualizations, relaxation techniques, and answer finding strategies, along with various fun social experiment suggestions to keep your focus. ABOUT THE ART IN THIS BOOK Jonathon Earl Bowser, a Canadian artist of English, French, Scottish, and Chippewa descent describes his unique figurative-landscape paintings as “Mythic Naturalism”: an exploration of the Divinity of Beauty, and the Archetypes’ of Mythology. His work is a quest for the ancient, unchanging, and eternal knowledge found in the poetic revelation of the sacred and sublime. He believes that Mythology (both spiritual belief, and psychological preparation for life) must be recognized as the essential, timelessly enduring soul of our modern, hyper-dynamic, technology-driven world.