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The Vanishing American Adult: Our Coming-of-Age Crisis – and How to Rebuild a Culture of Self-Reliance

America’s youth are in crisis. Raised by well-meaning but overprotective parents and coddled by well-meaning but misbegotten government programs, they are ill-equipped to survive in our highly competitive global economy.

Many of the coming-of-age rituals that have defined the American experience since the founding – learning the value of working with your hands, leaving home to start a family, becoming economically self-reliant – are being delayed or skipped altogether. The statistics are daunting: 30 percent of college students drop out after the first year, and only four in 10 graduate. One in three 18- to 34-year-olds lives with their parents.

From these disparate phenomena, Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse, who, as president of a Midwestern college observed the trials of this generation up close, sees an existential threat to the American way of life.

In The Vanishing American Adult, Sasse diagnoses the causes of a generation that can’t grow up and offers a path for raising children to become active and engaged citizens. He identifies core formative experiences that all young people should pursue – hard work to appreciate the benefits of labor, travel to understand deprivation and want, the power of reading, the importance of nurturing your body – and explains how parents can encourage them.

Our democracy depends on responsible, contributing adults to function properly – without them America falls prey to populist demagogues. A call to arms, The Vanishing American Adult will ignite a much-needed debate about the link between the way we’re raising our children and the future of our country.

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Strength-Based Empowerment Theory: A Model for Lifting the Spirit, Reprogramming the Mind, Instilling Self-Love, and Developing Self-Reliance in African American Male Offenders

The strength-based empowerment model provides all interested parties an opportunity for remarkable improvement in rehabilitation and recidivism. It helps the African American male offender find healthy, productive, positive, and rewarding ways to connect and become an active participant in society. The four LINKS of Empowerment (Safety, Belonging, Spirituality and Outcomes) refine the person’s personality, increase their aptitude to effectively manage life’s challenges, and improve their decision-making and self-control for harnessing ultimate effectiveness.

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Self-Reliance: The Wisdom of Ralph Waldo Emerson as Inspiration for Daily Living

A finely honed abridgement of Emerson’s principal essays with an introduction that clarifies the essence of Emerson’s ideas and establishes their relevance to our own troubled era. This is the first truly accessible edition of Emerson’s work, revealing him to be one of America’s wisest teachers.

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Billions Rising: Empowering Self-Reliance Around the Globe

Billions Rising is a real-world documentation of the old proverb which tells us if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day; but if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. Across the globe, there are well-meaning organizations giving handouts to people in need. But the more sustainable solution comes from the projects, non-profits, and companies who strive to give people a hand up rather than a handout. While mainstream media buries these inspiring stories, Billions Rising shines the spotlight into the darkness and boldly proclaims what the world tries to ignore: a foundation for self-reliance is the best gift that anybody can receive.