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Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Direct Social Work Practice

The ninth edition of DIRECT SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE: THEORY AND SKILLS prepares you for effective real-world practice. Packed with case examples, illustrations, and proven learning experiences from the authors as well as other social work practitioners, the book integrates the major theories and skills that direct social work practitioners need to understand and master, earning the book its reputation as the classic source for helping students learn direct practice skills. Furthermore, as part of the Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series, the ninth edition is completely up to date and thoroughly integrates the core competencies and recommended practice behaviors outlined in the 2008 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) set by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Video demonstrations are available on the optional CourseMate website and ensure student learning experiences are as close to real life as possible.

Product Features

  • Rather than focusing only on clients’ problems, the authors explore how social workers can better assess clients’ strengths and integrate those positive attributes into the process. Given social work’s unique commitment to working with clients in the context of their environments, the authors place direct practice skills in a current social and policy context.
  • DIRECT SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE balances theory with an emphasis on improving and refining students’ assessment, helping, and communication skills. Composed of four parts, the book begins by identifying the mission of social work, its values, and knowledge base. The authors then differentiate generalist from direct practice and explore roles of direct practitioners. Common elements among diverse theorists are examined next, and key intervention strategies and various client population and practice settings are also presented.
  • The text is packed with examples and case studies, many of which are drawn from social work practitioners as well as the authors’ personal practice situations. Diversity content is integrated throughout, with cases exemplifying diversity in multiple forms. The text also integrates practical skill development exercises to give students myriad opportunities to put chapter concepts into action
  • Specific guides to assessing problems–such as potential for suicide–and full examples of written assessments help students practice and improve their skills.
  • NEW This edition is thoroughly up to date with the most recent EPAS requirements. NEW Helping Hands icons within the chapters and end-of-chapter Competency Notes spotlight text coverage of the required Core Competencies and recommended Practice Behaviors detailed by CSWE’s new EPAS 2008.
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Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare

The bestselling introductory Social Work book on the market, Zastrow’s INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WORK AND SOCIAL WELFARE: EMPOWERING PEOPLE, 11th Edition, is also lauded for being the most comprehensive. In addition to giving readers a thorough overview of the social work profession, this text offers a realistic view of social problems in contemporary society, equipping students with real-world insight that they can apply in practice. By presenting positive strategies in the context of the core values, ethics, skills, and knowledge base of today’s professional social worker, Zastrow encourages readers to think critically about new, workable methods for problem-solving and empowering clients. Contemporary social problems case studies, exhibits, and tables help users apply concepts and compare and contrast issues. The Eleventh Edition has been thoroughly updated to include the latest NASW Standards, as well as new and emerging issues from the field. Packed with cutting-edge coverage and comprehensive CSWE core content, INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WORK AND SOCIAL WELFARE: EMPOWERING PEOPLE, 11th Edition, continues to inspire readers while giving them insight into real-world practice. Available with InfoTrac Student Collections

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Critical Aesthetic Pedagogy: Toward a Theory of Self and Social Empowerment

This book introduces a progressive type of education called Critical Aesthetic Pedagogy. This pedagogy utilizes the arts to promote critical learning, and incorporates particular types of aesthetic experiences into pedagogical practices to increase students’ social empowerment and commitment to social justice. The first coherent body of work that marries critical pedagogy and aesthetics, the book guides theory and practice for teacher educators interested in infusing their critical pedagogical practices with the arts. It also proposes tangible reforms in the public school system that will enable a critical aesthetic process to take root and thrive.

Critical Aesthetic Pedagogy can be used in upper-level undergraduate and graduate teacher education and art education courses. It can also help P–12 teachers and art organizations to successfully develop and carry out critical aesthetic practices at all levels. In addition, it provides a rationale for school administrators, community leaders, and educational policymakers for embracing critical aesthetic practices as a way to improve the education of all children.

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Self-theories: Their Role in Motivation, Personality, and Development (Essays in Social Psychology)

This innovative text sheds light on how people work — why they sometimes function well and, at other times, behave in ways that are self-defeating or destructive. The author presents her groundbreaking research on adaptive and maladaptive cognitive-motivational patterns and shows:

* How these patterns originate in people’s self-theories
* Their consequences for the person — for achievement, social relationships, and emotional well-being
* Their consequences for society, from issues of human potential to stereotyping and intergroup relations
* The experiences that create them

This outstanding text is a must-read for researchers in social psychology, child development, and education, and is appropriate for both graduate and senior undergraduate students in these areas.

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Girls in Real Life Situations, Grades 6-12: Group Counseling Activities for Enhancing Social and Emotional Development (Book and CD)

Grades 6-12. This unique group counseling curriculum provides over 90 activities divided into twelve session themes: Who Am I? Body Image, Choices, Communication, Emotions, Friendships, Relationships, Self-Esteem, Stress, Reaching Out, Tough Times, and Who I Am! During group lessons, girls are encouraged to share feelings and struggles as they openly discuss important issues in a safe and supportive environment. They are given the opportunity to feel empowered, gain self-awareness, develop coping strategies, improve problem-solving skills, understand that they are not alone, and learn to make healthy decisions. Girls in Real Life Situations is designed for use by educators and mental health professionals in schools and other settings.