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Conquer Your Dreams: A Sailor’s Diary that’ll propel your Dreams to Reality

All your dreams can be conquered only when you start believing in yourself and don’t let the negativity around you to overwhelm you. Regardless of what your current level in life is, you have the potential to achieve anything and everything that you desire. It doesn’t matter where you are from, what matters is where you are heading to. And this book will help you steer your way towards your dreams. Once you start believing in yourself and start working on your dreams, the universe would equip you with all the necessary tools and lessons that you require. But you must be prepared to receive it. There is always a positive side to every seemingly difficult situation. There is always a take home lesson in the encounters of everyday life. Instead of furnishing a generic ‘to-do’ list or the number of steps to achieve your dreams, the author takes you on a journey of his life time as he sails across the oceans of the world and reflects on his present and past situations. The ebb and flow will indeed help you Conquer Your own Dreams and hatch your own success stories. This Sailor’s Diary teaches you to: Defeat your self-limiting beliefs and make your mind invincible Stay motivated perpetually amidst all challenges and adversities Capitalise on the power that resides inside you to achieve whatever you want Make better lifestyle choices and stay fit – mentally and physically Side-step criticism and rejections and keep moving towards your dreams Be grateful to life and the universe for taking care of you Spread positive energy wherever you go