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Motivation: Master The Power Of Motivation To Propel Yourself To Success

Do you lack the desire to get important things done? Are you tired of wasting your life and not living up to your true potential?

Whether you want to (1) feel the desire to compete again, (2) learn how to light a fire under yourself to get powerful results, or (3) find ways to sustain your motivation over the long term, this book will teach you everything you need to know.

Do you fail to see a reason to do anything?

Life is so much better when you have the inner drive – the motivation – to go after your goals and dreams with reckless abandon. Motivation is a powerful force, able to drive you out of bed in the morning and keep you focused on your important goals, no matter what disruptions cross your path. Now you can tap into this mighty force on a consistent basis!

Transform your life by nullifying procrastination.

I have packed this book with the best ideas and easy-to-learn strategies discovered over the last few hundred years. Take note of your current motivation level before you dive into this book, then pay attention to the powerful results that follow when you apply the key motivational strategies within. These strategies will only become more effective over time and you will start to see massive results as your successes pile on top of each other.

Pursue your heart’s desire.

We know what’s important to us. Learn how to identify things that would knock the breath out of your motivation and learn how to disable them before they even get started! Delve into the four main sources of motivation and learn what tends to motivate you, personally. At the same time, discover simple ways that can boost your motivational levels so that would-be distractions have no power to sway you. When you tap into the core of your heart’s desire, you have unleashed a dynamic force that can help you accomplish wonders!

Discover how to sustain your motivation.

Motivation is only useful if it carries you to the end of your pursuit. Since we’re talking about sustained effort, anything you can do to fuel your motivation along the way will be helpful. There are specific habits that, once established, will provide a steady stream of nourishment to your motivation. I also provide some powerful thought adjustments that can make all the difference in the world when it comes to keeping yourself motivated over the long haul

What will you learn about motivation?

The driving forces behind your motivation. How to properly use goal-setting to boost your motivational levels. How to use powerful habits to increase your motivation. Motivational stories in the lives of inspiring people. Daily exercises to boost your motivation levels and inspire you to action.

You Will Also Discover:

Great strategies for recharging and sustaining your motivation. How to use motivation to overcome fear, excuses and other difficulties. Motivational techniques used by the best in the world. Some of the best motivational quotes of all time.

Ready to start truly living?


Put the charge back in your life: Buy It Now!

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Conquer Your Dreams: A Sailor’s Diary that’ll propel your Dreams to Reality

All your dreams can be conquered only when you start believing in yourself and don’t let the negativity around you to overwhelm you. Regardless of what your current level in life is, you have the potential to achieve anything and everything that you desire. It doesn’t matter where you are from, what matters is where you are heading to. And this book will help you steer your way towards your dreams. Once you start believing in yourself and start working on your dreams, the universe would equip you with all the necessary tools and lessons that you require. But you must be prepared to receive it. There is always a positive side to every seemingly difficult situation. There is always a take home lesson in the encounters of everyday life. Instead of furnishing a generic ‘to-do’ list or the number of steps to achieve your dreams, the author takes you on a journey of his life time as he sails across the oceans of the world and reflects on his present and past situations. The ebb and flow will indeed help you Conquer Your own Dreams and hatch your own success stories. This Sailor’s Diary teaches you to: Defeat your self-limiting beliefs and make your mind invincible Stay motivated perpetually amidst all challenges and adversities Capitalise on the power that resides inside you to achieve whatever you want Make better lifestyle choices and stay fit – mentally and physically Side-step criticism and rejections and keep moving towards your dreams Be grateful to life and the universe for taking care of you Spread positive energy wherever you go