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The Strange Visitation at Wolffe Hall (Grayson Sherbrooke’s Otherworldly Adventures)

The year is 1841 and Grayson Sherbrooke, a popular author of gothic paranormal mysteries, lives on the coast of Northern England with his 4-year-old-son, Pip. He’s asked by a neighboring little girl, P.C., to come to Wolffe Hall because something terrible is threatening her and her mother. She’s come to Grayson because she’s confused him with his fictional hero, Thomas Straithmore, who overcomes all obstacles and always triumphs over otherworldly evil. Thus, to her mind, Thomas is the only one to save them. She describes the house shaking with terrifying tremors and a huge black hole she calls the Abyss appearing in the entrance hall. She also knows the menace involves her great grandfather, known as The Great. He’s obsessed with collecting and returning the famous Waterloo medals to the soldiers of the great battle of 1815, but he refuses to tell anyone why he’s doing it. Grayson is soon embroiled in a mystery involving a wrongful death on the battlefield at Waterloo and a paranormal force that threatens the very lives of those living in Wolffe Hall.

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The Strange Visitation at Wolffe Hall

The year is 1841 and Grayson Sherbrooke, a popular author of gothic paranormal mysteries, lives on the coast of Northern England with his 4-year-old-son, Pip. He’s asked by a neighboring little girl, P.C., to come to Wolffe Hall because something terrible is threatening her and her mother. She’s come to Grayson because she’s confused him with his fictional hero, Thomas Straithmore, who overcomes all obstacles and always triumphs over otherworldly evil. Thus, to her mind, Thomas is the only one to save them. She describes the house shaking with terrifying tremors and a huge black hole she calls the Abyss appearing in the entrance hall. She also knows the menace involves her great grandfather, known as The Great. He’s obsessed with collecting and returning the famous Waterloo medals to the soldiers of the great battle of 1815, but he refuses to tell anyone why he’s doing it. Grayson is soon embroiled in a mystery involving a wrongful death on the battlefield at Waterloo and a paranormal force that threatens the very lives of those living in Wolffe Hall.

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Spiritual Revolution: Experience the Supernatural in Your Life-Angelic Visitation, Prophetic Dreams, Visions, Miracles

Spiritual Revolution will shake the way you think about the “supernatural” power of God and your role in combating the counterfeit signs and wonders of today’s cults. Spiritual Revolution contains stories, insights, and practical suggestions about how you can aggressively choose to live in the supernatural power of God. In this powerful book filled with facts and personal experiences, you will clearly discover the difference between:

Churchianity & Christianity. Godly power & satanic control. Fact & truth. Supernatural visitations & occult experiences. Christians no longer need to sit idly by while the world is bombarded with new age practices, witchcraft, and satanism. No matter who you are or where you live, you play a vital role in establishing God’s plan for the earth. Join the Spiritual Revolution!

Author, teacher, and prophet, Patricia King, sounds the alarm for believers to entertain angelic creatures and slay the dragons. She leads you into the spiritual dimension where you will discover the glorious “Third Heaven” through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Enlist in the Spiritual Revolution and you will be transformed into a powerful witness throughout an eternal lifetime.