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Cadicle: An Epic Space Opera Series, Volumes 1-3

The lost colony of Earth has no idea that the galaxy-spanning Taran empire is on the brink of an interdimensional war….

When Cris leaves Tararia to pursue his telekinetic abilities, he thinks he’s started a new life. Years later, he learns that freedom was always an illusion – he and his family are at the center of an elaborate galactic conspiracy. Written in the style of classic sci-fi from the Golden Age, the Cadicle series follows three generations of the Sietinen Dynasty as they discover their roles in a secret war. Torn by duty and morality, their decisions will change the course of the Taran civilization.

Cadicle: An Epic Space Opera Series includes the first three volumes of the Cadicle series.

Architects of Destiny

Cris was born with rare telekinetic gifts – abilities outlawed by the governing Priesthood. But, a new future awaits when Cris unexpectedly receives an invitation to join the Tararian Selective Service and begin their sanctioned telekinesis training program. Except, following that path puts him at the center of a generations-old galactic conspiracy.

Veil of Reality

The greatest deceptions are never suspected. After twenty years with the Tararian Selective Service, Cris Sietinen is in the unprecedented position of being both Lead Agent and heir to a High Dynasty. When his son is captured by the mysterious alien Bakzen, Cris uncovers a hidden truth that forces him to question all that he once took for granted.

Bonds of Resolve

A year after his encounter with the Bakzen, Wil is still grappling with his upcoming role in the war. Weighed down by his sense of duty and a grim vision of his fate, he has withdrawn from friends and family – focusing only on his official assignments. However, Wil finds unexpected support when he befriends a new TSS trainee from Earth, Saera. Through their budding relationship, Wil comes to terms with the purpose he was born to fulfill and gains comfort in the knowledge that he won’t have to face the future alone.

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Rush Revere Series Set of 3 Audio Volumes Titles Include: Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims, Rush Revere and the First Patriots, and Rush Revere and the American Revolution

Enjoy these audio Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans!

Titles in this Series include:

– Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims – Nationally syndicated radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh has long wanted to make American history come to life for the children of his listeners, so he created the character of a fearless middle-school history teacher named Rush Revere, who travels back in time and experiences American history as it happens, in adventures with exceptional Americans. In this book, he is transported back to the deck of the Mayflower.

– Rush Revere and the First Patriots – Jump into the bustling streets of Boston in 1765, where talk of revolution is growing louder. I said LOUDER. You’ll have to SHOUT to be heard over the angry cries of “Down with the king!” and “Repeal the Stamp Act!” that fill the air. You’ll meet fierce supporters of liberty like Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and my idol, Paul Revere, as they fearlessly defy British rule. It’s an exciting, dangerous, turbulent, thrilling time to be an American…and exceptional young patriots like you won’t want to miss a minute. Let’s ride!

– Rush Revere and the American Revolution – Liberty, my wisecracking horse, our old friends Cam, Tommy, Freedom, and I are off to meet some super-brave soldiers in the year 1775. Yep, that’s right. We’ll be visiting with the underdog heroes who fought for American independence, against all odds-and won! But not before eight very real years of danger and uncertainty. We’ll be on hand to see two lanterns hungin the Old North Church, prevent a British spy from capturing Paul Revere, and grapple with danger at the battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill.