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No Time Like Forever: Wardham Book 6

It started with a kiss….

Mari Beadie needed a boyfriend, and former NHL hockey star Chase Miller happened to be in the right place at the right time. The kiss that followed wasn’t necessary, strictly speaking, but it sure was hot.

Hot enough that when the tables are turned, Chase knows just the pretty bartender to ask to be his pretend girlfriend. Only this time, it’s not a one-time deal.

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Where Their Hearts Collide: Wardham Book #2

When the girl next door….

Karen’s finally decided what she wants to do when she grows up. Too bad it’ll mean leaving behind her new neighbor, who’s stirred up a different kind of grown-up feelings. But when he rebuffs her attempt to have a fling before she leaves Wardham, Karen knows it’s for the best. A clean break, no messy emotional entanglements.

Meets the cop of her dreams….

Intense and private, Paul has recently moved to Wardham for a more family friendly job, leaving behind a career as a homicide detective in the city. He only has his 10-year-old daughter a few nights a week, and he doesn’t want any distractions or drama while he tries to repair their relationship.

At exactly the wrong time.

But Karen is right next door, and everywhere he goes. His resolve to keep his distance only lasts until she needs a true friend in her corner, and he realizes he can’t imagine life without her.