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An Invitation to Self-Care: Why Learning to Nurture Yourself Is the Key to the Life You’ve Always Wanted, 7 Principles for Abundant Living

Too often, we settle for the notion that self-care means giving ourselves treats and rewards for good behavior. But it’s so much more than that. Welcome to the self-care revolution! 

A day of indulgence at a spa—or at home on the couch—might help us unwind and feel temporarily renewed, but is that all there is to self-care? In this book Tracey Cleantis changes the dialogue and shows why real self-care is more than just routine self-indulgence—it’s a lifelong practice that’s essential to finding fulfillment and joy.

An Invitation to Self-Care uncovers seven principles for care that are rooted in self-empowerment and self-knowledge. Through personal stories and observations, exercises and quizzes, and interviews with experts and everyday people, Tracey invites you to consider self-care across your relationships, finances, spiritual and professional life—and more. By accepting who we are, what we need, and how those needs evolve over time, we create space for self-care’s transformational magic in our lives. In fact, an authentic self-care practice is the secret to the life you’ve always wanted.

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Affirmation Beauty Book: Ladies… The Book You’ve Been Waiting For!

ABOUT AFFIRMATION BEAUTY BOOK Ladies—-This is the B O O K that You’ve Been Waiting For! ‘Affirmation Beauty Book’ shares secrets from the Universe and from the author’s research on how to unlock your inner beauty and allow it to shine forth. It provides the reader with important information about how thoughts, mind power, creative visualization, forgiveness, Affirmations and more affect your physical health and beauty. She also shares how holding grudges, anger, disappointment, regret and other negative emotions and NOT forgiving affect your physical health and beauty in a very negative and unhealthy way. And it could end up showing on your face and countenance! This book provides simple Sample Master Affirmations; Short Form Affirmations; Affirmation Tools; Methods; and Techniques to use. Her simplistic exercises and techniques show the reader how to talk to her body and nourish it in order to create a state of youthfulness and vibrant health. Its simplicity and ‘down-to-earth’ approach zones right into the needs of women worldwide. The author also shares effective, yet very powerful Beauty Meditations; Exercises; Methods; and specially tailored Beauty & Health Affirmations and more. She also talks about communicating with your body in a very interesting and intimate way. She includes her very popular, simple, yet very powerful 9-Step Creation Process as well. She shows the reader exactly how to apply this important information in her life and the great news is that she can start implementing it starting right here and right now! She includes stories of readers who actually put this powerful information into effect and the wondrous results they manifested. It also provides many ‘fun’ techniques. It is totally a ‘One-of-a-Kind’ book on the subject of creating beauty using the author’s unique and powerful Affirmation Method. Buy the book; you will absolutely LOVE it! It is also most entertaining and thought-provoking.

Product Features

  • Used Book in Good Condition
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You’ve Got This, Superwoman!: An Empowering Coloring Book Journal

Two hundred forty (240) pages. 50 Empowering Illustrations. 25 Journal Prompts. Ten (10) Bonus Pages. One (1) Awesome Coloring Book Journal!

See What’s inside:

You’ve Got This, Superwoman! Is a unique coloring book journal for adults which combines coloring, journaling, empowerment, affirmation, positive self-belief, stress relief and more in one very helpful coloring book journal designed to offer support and encouragement for all areas of your life…self-esteem, motivation, self-care, introspection, finances, body image, relationships and more. Filled with an assortment of images to enjoy and reflect upon, along with corresponding journal pages and writing prompts to support the coloring/journaling experience and lead you to deeper insights and understanding.

Each illustration is available on both a black and white background, so you can color your way through all the dark and light periods of life as you remember who you are…an incredible superwoman goddess, of course!

A Sampling of Phrases in This Book:
You’ve Got This, Superwoman!
I Love Myself
I have a Fantastic Life
I Embrace My Courage
I Believe in Myself
Not my Monkeys, Not my Circus!
Love is all I Need
I Love my Body
I am Amazing
I am Relaxed and Peaceful
I am Beautiful
I’ve Got This
I Trust Life
Be Happy. Love
Be Brave!
I am True to Me
Money Flows in My Life

Book Highlights:
All Original, Hand-Drawn Designs
Designs for Assorted Skill Levels
Single Side Printing on White Paper
Stress-Relieving Patterns
Extra Blank Pages for Bleed Through
Bonus Pages
Book Benefits:
Stress Relief
Positive Change

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Flyover Nation: You Can’t Run a Country You’ve Never Been To

Blaze TV and top radio host Dana Loesch explains that the biggest political problem today is that the people who run this country have no idea what life is really like for ordinary Americans. In fact, they have contempt for the very people they claim to represent.

When the owners of a small pizza parlor in Indiana were asked by the local press whether they would ever cater a gay wedding, they said no, citing their personal religious beliefs. The internet responded with immediate outrage, posting death threats and vicious online reviews, and forcing them to shut down. All for expressing a personal opinion rooted in faith, in response to a completely hypothetical question. A new front in the culture war had been opened.

When the owners of the pizza parlor told Dana Loesch on a Blaze TV interview that they might never reopen, Loesch started a fundraising campaign. Hundreds of thousands of dollars quickly poured in to support them. The people donating weren’t taking a stand against gay rights; they just believed that a random mom-and-pop shop shouldn’t be run out of business because media and political elites on both coasts caricature and vilify rural Americans.

Most of the problems with our country today can be traced to a very simple cause―the growing disconnect between the government and media elites and the rest of us, the old-fashioned, hard-working, God-fearing Americans who are proud to live in middle America. As Loesch explains, too many people getting on their high horse about Wal-Mart have never shopped in one. Protesters outraged at small town cops have never been helped by one. Environmentalists who claim to want to protect the spotted owl have never been in the woods with one. Atheists who attack committed Christians have never sat in a pew with one.

Loesch doesn’t take aims solely at the Democrats; some Republicans in Congress and on the presidential campaign trail have also forgotten what life is like for the people back home. While these so-called leaders may have forgotten the people in coal towns and farming communities, the voters in those communities haven’t forgotten Washington’s betrayals. And it will show in 2016.

As one of the most powerful and recognizable voices on talk radio today, Dana Loesch is leading a revolution of America’s new Silent Majority.