Roald Dahl’s wickedly funny novels have turned him into the world’s number 1 storyteller. In this collection five splendiferous stories…

EDGE OF ETERNITY is the sweeping, passionate conclusion to Ken Follett’s extraordinary historical epic, The Century Trilogy.   Throughout these…

Why is it so hard to make lasting changes in our companies, in our communities, and in our own lives?…

Can we rely on the altruism of professionals or the public service ethos to deliver good quality health and education…

QUOTES ILLUSTRATED by Lesley Riley is a timeless source of inspiration and motivation. Through the diverse and eclectic work of…

In this lively, research-based book, award-winning educator Larry Ferlazzo tackles everyday classroom challenges with creative instructional techniques to help middle-…

As a manager, one of your most important responsibilities is to motivate your employees to do their absolute best. Managers…

John Heilemann and Mark Halperin set the national conversation on fire with their bestselling account of the 2008 presidential election,…

Ladurée Sucré and Salé have been sold around the world in six different languages, resulting in the sale of over…