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365 Personal Finance Affirmations: Daily Meditations to Help You Save Money, Reduce Debt and Create Lasting Wealth

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“How you think is everything.” This simple and true statement exemplifies how the product of our labors is first built by our minds. Everyday, we make several financial decisions, yet many of us practice little to no daily mindfulness of our money until there are cash crunches or other problems that must be addressed. This book is the tool you need to breakthrough and achieve consistent daily awareness of your money and your mindset towards money. Containing 365 personal finance affirmations–one for each day of the year–this book provides daily meditations to help you break through mental and habitual roadblocks, negative predispositions, and self-sabotaging beliefs that stand in the way of financial success. Each affirmation has been carefully designed based on extensive research into the personal finance and self achievement fields. The simplicity and elegance of each affirmation provides a tool to help you conquer the financial challenges in your life while supporting your long-term goals.

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