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Positive Thinking: Easy self help guide: How to stop negative thoughts, negative self-talk, and reduce stress using the power of positive thinking, happiness, affirmations, and positive psychology

Is negative thinking holding you back? Do you wish you could be more successful at advancing your career? Do you want to develop deeper and more meaningful personal relationships with other people?
If you answered yes to any of those questions, this book will change your life!

Learn the secrets successful people already know
Those who are successful in business, money, love, and life already understand the critical, life-altering power of positive thinking. Positive thinking is more than just choosing optimism over pessimism, or hope and happiness instead of anger and fear. If you’re suffering from habitual negative self-talk, the path to positivity can seem elusive. Many people struggle to overcome the negative thoughts that are holding them back. Achieving a lasting successful mindset can feel impossible.
The good news is that permanent positive thinking is easily attainable for anyone who knows a few simple secrets of positive psychology!
The keys to unlock happiness, success, and an enduring optimistic mindset are yours for the taking once you learn a few simple facts about human psychology and how all of our thinking and emotions, whether positive or negative, are grounded in perceptions and thought patterns that can be hacked and altered for our own benefit!
Even complete beginners who have taken the time to go through this quick guide will have the power to harness their thoughts and propel themselves forward towards goals they previously thought were out of their reach. Don’t let negative thinking limit your potential anymore!
Author, researcher, and life enthusiast Brian Masters has boiled down the essentials of shifting away from limiting negative beliefs and thought patterns and achieving permanent positive thinking! This proven self help guide will work for absolutely anyone! Men, women, beginner, expert, children, teens, and adults can all benefit from cultivating a mindset of success and optimism using the power of positive thinking.
This book is a practical how-to self-help guide written for the trenches of life. It is not just some psychology professor’s “theory” that he learned reading text books in his ivory tower!
If you are interested in hacking your mindset and earning exponentially more money, reaching new heights in your career, and developing deep and rewarding personal relationships, grab this book now!
Grab your copy of POSITIVE THINKING: Easy self help guide: How to stop negative thoughts, negative self-talk, and reduce stress using the power of positive thinking, happiness, affirmations, and positive psychology today and learn:
– The building blocks of positive thinking
– How positive thinking impacts your hobbies, relationships, career, and health
– How to radically alter your perception of yourself and the world around you in ways that will empower you to be successful
– How to set goals and actually achieve them
– A simple psychological trick you can learn in minutes that will amaze you!
Don’t let life pass you by! You are not getting any younger and every day you put off taking action is another day that is lost forever. ACT NOW! Scroll up, click purchase, and get access to the proven secrets the most successful people in the world have been using for years. Make a small investment in yourself today that will pay off big!

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How to Meditate: Relieve Stress, Reduce Anxiety and Increase Mindfulness with Guided Meditation, Self Hypnosis, Affirmations, Mindfulness Exercises and Guided Imagery

This is a meditation bundle designed to provide stress relief while increasing mindfulness through guided meditation and guided imagery. It is great for beginners and those who would like quick and easy meditation sessions.

The following audiobooks are included in this bundle:

1. Learn to Meditate: Meditation for Beginners with Mindfulness Exercises, Relaxation Techniques, Guided Imagery and Guided Mindfulness Meditation

2. Meditation Oasis: Mindfulness Meditation for Relaxation, Stress Reduction, Anxiety Relief, Self Healing and Peace of Mind

3. Body Scan Meditation: Mindfulness Meditation for Stress Relief, Emotional Health, Anxiety Relief, Muscle Tension and Stress Reduction

4. Breathing Meditation: Guided Mindfulness Meditation for Stress Management, Anxiety Relief, Deep Relaxation and Inner Peace

The first meditation session is 15-20 minutes long and includes four background setting options:

Meditation on the beach Meditation during a rainstorm Meditation near a flowing creek Meditation near a waterfall

The last three meditations sessions are each 15-20 minutes and include three background setting options:

Peaceful Solitude Epiphany Heavenly Bliss

Escape the daily grind, and elevate yourself to a more relaxed and euphoric state of mind with guided meditation.

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Deep Sleep Affirmations: Reduce Anxiety, Calm Nerves, Relieve Stress and Sleep Well

Tossing and turning while trying to get to sleep? Feeling groggy in the morning due to lack of quality sleep? The audiobook version of this book is meant to help you fall asleep fast, stay asleep, and wake up well-rested. Everyone knows how a bad night of sleep can wreak havoc on your day – this audiobook will ensure you get the most from your days by helping you recharge the right way at night.

This audiobook will help you:

Reduce stress and anxiety Fall asleep faster Get better and deeper sleep Wake up refreshed and energized

It includes the following sounds and music with the affirmations:

Ocean waves Thunderstorms Calming water creeks Underwater ambiance Soothing water fountain Chimes in the wind Ambient background music

While the written version can help you if you read the affirmations out loud, the audiobook version is recommended if you prefer to be lulled into a deep sleep.

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365 Personal Finance Affirmations: Daily Meditations to Help You Save Money, Reduce Debt and Create Lasting Wealth

“How you think is everything.” This simple and true statement exemplifies how the product of our labors is first built by our minds. Everyday, we make several financial decisions, yet many of us practice little to no daily mindfulness of our money until there are cash crunches or other problems that must be addressed. This book is the tool you need to breakthrough and achieve consistent daily awareness of your money and your mindset towards money. Containing 365 personal finance affirmations–one for each day of the year–this book provides daily meditations to help you break through mental and habitual roadblocks, negative predispositions, and self-sabotaging beliefs that stand in the way of financial success. Each affirmation has been carefully designed based on extensive research into the personal finance and self achievement fields. The simplicity and elegance of each affirmation provides a tool to help you conquer the financial challenges in your life while supporting your long-term goals.

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How to Reduce Pregnancy Stress Using the Positive Affirmations Technique (My Pregnancy Toolkit Books Collection)

Are you feeling stressed about your pregnancy and the upcoming childbirth? Do you worry that your stress will hurt your baby?  We all want this to be a calm and happy time in our life, but for many women pregnancy is a stressful experience.  Don’t let it get to you. There is a simple and efficient technique that you can use to deal with your stress. Stress can hurt both you and your baby. While you might struggle with insomnia and depression, your baby could suffer from malnutrition and an increased risk of birth defects. Stress during pregnancy can even cause preterm labor or a miscarriage. Studies have also shown that babies born to stressed-out mothers tend to follow suit and grow up to be anxiety-ridden adults. Your mood is already affecting your baby, so don’t wait to make a change.  Like you, I found pregnancy very stressful. Every day I worried that I wouldn’t be able to cope with my new role as a mother and that my childbirth would be terrifying.  I was constantly worried and anxious. It was then that I began using the positive affirmations technique and I found that my mood improved almost immediately.  
With the positive affirmations technique, you will learn how to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.Now you can change worry into reassurance and replace doubts with confidence. After you have read this book you will be able to put together your own positive affirmations and know how to use them for maximum effect. You will have a powerful tool to deal with your stress that you can use anywhere and at any time. Don’t let fear and doubts take over your pregnancy. Start working on your stress and discover just what a special time in your life this really is.  Have the calm, happy pregnancy that you want − starting today.

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Living Life! Anxiety and Stress Free: Reduce Stress through Hypnosis

Through hypnosis, you can free yourself from stress and anxiety and start enjoying your life!
Imagine your daily anxiety and stress melting away simply by listening to a relaxing hypnosis CD each night.
Beverly Hills Hypnosis’ highly effective stress and anxiety reducing hypnosis CD guides you though a series of relaxation techniques designed to gently take you to a deep state of relaxation. In this tranquil state, you will discover easy ways to permanently let go of all anxiety and stress in your daily life.
Take back your life and enjoy life again! Relaxation techniques that really work!
Why is “Living Life! Anxiety and Stress Free” so effective?
By creating direct access to the most powerful part of the mind, the subconscious, you can teach your subconscious mind to automatically act in the ways that best suit your goals, rather than relying on poor habits that you’ve built up over the years.
When you align what you consciously desire with your subconscious motivations…your possibilities are endless!
Can everyone be hypnotized?
Yes. Have you ever been driving a familiar route home and suddenly arrived at your destination without remembering the last few minutes of the drive? This is one example of our subconscious mind taking over the routine details of life. Our subconscious mind handles most of our day to day activities. That is the subconscious mind’s job – to handle the details of life, while our conscious mind handles the more important needs.
Most clients are amazed at how quickly they accomplish their desired results. Unlike traditional therapies, Hypnotherapy is able to help you reach your goals without going through years of self-exploration.
When You Are Ready!
Reach your goals faster than ever! You can and will make permanent, positive changes in your personal and professional life. Beverly Hills Hypnosis offers an effective, relaxing, drug-free choice for change.