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Daily Affirmations for Parents: How to Nurture Your Children and Renew Yourself During the Ups and Downs of Parenthood

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Parents are a particularly wonderful breed of humans. We are the men and women who cannot sleep at night when we are worried about our children. We are the mothers who go through the greatest pain of our lives and immediately afterward feel nothing but pure joy and gratitude for what that pain has brought. We are the people who would give up everything we have in exchange for our child, who feel more love looking into those beautiful little faces than we have ever felt, who know that there is really no such thing as quality time–it is all quality time. It is for these wonderful people this book is written.

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2 thoughts on “Daily Affirmations for Parents: How to Nurture Your Children and Renew Yourself During the Ups and Downs of Parenthood

  1. This book is filled with daily affirmations for every type of parent (over protective parent) that teaches you how to see your child in a different light and helps ease any kind of anxiety you might have as a parent.

  2. Like encouragement from a wise mentor… I LOVE this little book! When I was raising my children it quickly became a source of daily inspiration for me. As a parent striving to NOT pass on to my kids all the “junk” from being raised in a home with alcoholism, I soaked up the daily reflections like encouragement from a wise mentor.Now that my children are grown and have their own children, I have made sure that each has a copy of their own as well. And as a professional in the field of substance abuse-related issues, I have purchased many, many of these terrific little books to both inspire and anchor recovering parents through their tumultuous parenting years.

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