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I Care: Creating Affirmations Designed to Renew and Evolve the Inner You

I C.A.R.E., was birthed from the seeds of healing that we often offer to others through empowering conversations, actions, prayer, and by expressing a genuine concern for one another. I C.A.R.E. is more of a movement that is dedicated in supporting one’s rejuvenation and spiritual renewal. I C.A.R.E. is intended for providing daily nourishment for one’s creativity, as well as awakening your inner passions. By affirming positive thoughts, we begin to redirect our thoughts, words, behavior, and ultimately our lives. I C.A.R.E. is designed to water the seeds of creativity that are within us all. And in order to grow, we must begin to take action by positive affirmations. Once we’ve incorporated the behavior of affirming positive actions into our daily living, a renewed mind and spirit will begin to birth and shape our lives. I C.A.R.E. is simply a life action plan that consist of 90 days of creating affirmations designed to renew and evolve the inner you.

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Soul Healing Solace: Affirmations to Renew Your Heart, Mind and Spirit

For many years I struggled to find real, lasting joy. Whenever I achieved a goal that I believed would bring me happiness, I would find that the happiness I sought had moved somewhere else: to the next job, the next college degree, the next completed project, the next success. Never the current one. It was a discouraging way to live, and my dissatisfaction fueled a desire for change. Through books, mentors, good friends and spiritual guidance I learned how to transform my beliefs and thoughts and reshape the emotions and actions that determine my results and create the reality in which I live. I’ve experienced greater peace, fulfillment and success as I’ve worked to internalize these life-giving truths. I am excited to share them with you, and I hope they will bless your life as they’ve blessed mine.

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Tender Mercy for a Mother’s Soul: Inspiration to Renew Your Spirit

Motherhood is a rigorous season of life—one that demands daily giving and self-sacrifice. All too often that sacrifice includes giving up time for self-care, especially soul care. Yet a life lived without spiritual refreshment can eventually result in burnout and emptiness. Mothers of all ages need the encouragement and direction this book offers to help them get on the path to walking with God daily and benefiting from his strength.

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Daily Affirmations for Parents: How to Nurture Your Children and Renew Yourself During the Ups and Downs of Parenthood

Parents are a particularly wonderful breed of humans. We are the men and women who cannot sleep at night when we are worried about our children. We are the mothers who go through the greatest pain of our lives and immediately afterward feel nothing but pure joy and gratitude for what that pain has brought. We are the people who would give up everything we have in exchange for our child, who feel more love looking into those beautiful little faces than we have ever felt, who know that there is really no such thing as quality time–it is all quality time. It is for these wonderful people this book is written.