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Indigo Teen Dreams: Guided Relaxation Techniques Designed to Decrease Stress, Anger and Anxiety while Increasing Self-esteem and Self-awareness (Indigo Dreams)

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“Indigo Teen Dreams” is the 3rd CD/audio book in this stress-management series. Teens receive guided instructions for learning the relaxation/meditation techniques of breathing, visualizations, muscular relaxation and affirmations. “Indigo Teen Dreams” is designed to decrease stress, anger and anxiety while increasing self-esteem and self-awareness. These are the same proven techniques found on “Indigo Dreams” and “Indigo Ocean Dreams” but specifically designed to empower teens to become active participants in creating their own healthy, heart driven, peaceful lives. The narration is accompanied by music and an additional music sound track is included to further enhance your teen’s mind, body and spirit. Affirmations: Affirmations or positive statements build self-esteem and empower teens to accept themselves. Teens are instructed on how to use affirmations to feel good about themselves, relax or to improve an area or situation in their lives. Breathing: Teens explore breathing for calmness with the use of diaphragmatic or belly breathing. This proven technique encourages teens to feel calm and in control of their own energy. This self-calming technique can be used anytime, anywhere. Muscular Relaxation: Teens learn to manage anger, relax and see things more clearly. This easy, fun exercise relaxes muscles throughout the body as anxiety, tension and anger slip away. Teens will fall asleep more easily and experience a deeper, peaceful night’s sleep. Visualization: Teens enjoy this effective technique widely used for achieving sports goals, creating success and attaining wellness. Colorful imagery quiets the mind and relaxes the body as anger, stress and anxiety slip away.

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2 thoughts on “Indigo Teen Dreams: Guided Relaxation Techniques Designed to Decrease Stress, Anger and Anxiety while Increasing Self-esteem and Self-awareness (Indigo Dreams)

  1. Teen Stress Relief! My soon to be 13 year old was having difficulty adjusting to the stress of middle school. Late night homework and projects made it difficult for him to shut his mind down for the night and fall asleep. I tried Indigo Teen Dreams after my nephew told me how much he enjoyed the visualization technique on the CD. He stated that he “never felt anything like that in his life”!My son loves the relaxation techniques and is now falling asleep quickly and peacefully. I was amazed at how…

  2. Indigo Teen Dreams: Diversity at it’s Best I am a psychiatric social worker who purchased “Indigo Teen Dreams” for our unit. We have utilized this wonderful CD on a twice weekly basis as part of our relaxation curriculum. We have a very diverse population of adolescents ranging from kids who are moderately depressed or highly anxious to severely behaviorally and emotionally disturbed. This CD has reached teens across the board and given them the initial realization that they do have some control over their bodies and how they choose to…

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