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Emotional Absent Mother- How to overcome Childhood Neglect When You Don’t know Where To Start!

*****3rd EDITION*****

“The Emotionally Absent Mother” is a practical guide to understanding and working out the pain of being emotionally abandoned as a child. Insightful explanations offer new perspectives on old problems. The exercises in the book can direct you through your emotional numbness or distress and into a brighter future.

The book describes how the trauma of emotional abuse can get started. It lists and describes the symptoms of emotional abandonment. In later chapters, the book tells you what to do about it now that you are an adult and offers not only hope, but a method to reach the goals of becoming emotionally connected with others in a healthier way and becoming freer and more independent. It belongs on the “to-be-read” list of adults who still suffers the pain of being an emotionally abandoned child, as well as those who care about them.

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll learn:

What exactly is an Emotionally Absent Mother? Describes the symptoms of emotional abandonment. Recognize Why Your Mother Was Emotionally Absent. How to Forgive Your Mother and Forgive Yourself How to Face Feelings of Anger, Resentment and Hurt How to Separate Past Emotions from Your Current Situation Much, much more

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3 thoughts on "The Emotionally Absent Mother: How To Overcome Your Childhood Neglect When You Don’t Know Where To Start & Meditations And Affirmations to Help You Overcome Childhood Neglect."

  1. Rafase282 says:

    Powerful healing book I got this book because my son is growing up without his mother and I know that is affecting him. I grew up without my father and that affected me also. However, when I came across this book I thought about my son. 

  2. FIVMendoza says:

    Be a better Mother The author did a great job by describing exactly what a good mother does and how it makes a child feel. This book gave me alot of insight to why they are mothers out there behave and react to certain situations.While some of the healing exercises seemed cheesy the list of common feelings of under-mothered children blew my mind. I can now be more aware about my relationships with my son and a better parent to my him than my mother was to me. I feel this is a book that could help those who are…

  3. M. C. Guette says:

    Naming the emptiness This book helped me to identify exactly what IS this numbness, darkness, vague empty feeling. Its source is understandable and not nearly as dark once it has a name. Being emotionally neglected put me into survival mode as a child and I repressed and neglected my own needs believing they didn’t matter. I grew up not understanding who I was or what my feelings were. This book helps to identify that process, offers different examples of unavailable mothers, and provides examples of what healing…

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