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Delvers LLC: Welcome to Ludus

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Henry and Jason led normal lives in Seattle before they were abducted to another world. Their kidnapper, the vain, self-styled god Dolos, refuses to send them back unless they can accomplish an impossible task. Oddly, Dolos doesn’t seem to care if they succeed or not.

Luckily, Henry and Jason studied Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) on Earth. Unfortunately, a Japanese American EMT and a geeky IT programmer don’t have many other useful skills on a sword-and-sorcery world like Ludus.

Stranded in the middle of nowhere on an alien world, the friends have no real direction and only a few possessions including magic-granting orbs from an apathetic god. Undaunted, the two begin their insane adventure to return home…but basic survival and eventually paying rent will have to take priority.

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3 thoughts on “Delvers LLC: Welcome to Ludus

  1. A great adventure book with an enticing new idea. I wasn’t sure what to make of this book from the blurb but I decided to give it a try. After reading what Delos says to our two heroes I knew I had to read more. 

  2. Thumbs up Wow great book. Have enjoyed the LitRPG expansion from basically only Russian authors to writers from other countries. That said the author went 5 steps further. No 5 pages of stats eating up page count and generally being annoying. He came up with a new magic system a different world mechanics but staying in the LitRPG realm. Interesting new races and the ones we all know are taken on new twists. Definitely can’t wait for his next novel.

  3. Much darker than expected I was quite surprised by some of the dark themes that the author touched upon in this book: cannibalism, rape, domestic abuse, PSTD from war. From a MC point of view, these were not traditional characters and the mood swings that these gents went through from chapter to chapter certainly made the story unpredictable. And when the author added a capricious god to the mix, the result was a fantasy story that was unique and entertaining at times but often wince-inducing, too, due to those…

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