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The Thing with Feathers: The Surprising Lives of Birds and What They Reveal About Being Human

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Birds are highly intelligent animals, yet their intelligence is dramatically different from our own and has been little understood. As we learn more about the secrets of bird life, we are unlocking fascinating insights into memory, relationships, game theory, and the nature of intelligence itself.

The Thing with Feathers explores the astonishing homing abilities of pigeons, the good deeds of fairy-wrens, the influential flocking abilities of starlings, the deft artistry of bowerbirds, the extraordinary memories of nutcrackers, the lifelong loves of albatrosses, and other mysteries – revealing why birds do what they do, and offering a glimpse into our own nature.

Drawing deep from personal experience, cutting-edge science, and colorful history, Noah Strycker spins captivating stories about the birds in our midst and shares the startlingly intimate coexistence of birds and humans. With humor, style, and grace, he shows how our view of the world is often, and remarkably, through the experience of birds.

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3 thoughts on “The Thing with Feathers: The Surprising Lives of Birds and What They Reveal About Being Human

  1. About Birds and More I found this book fascinating. For each chapter, the author picks a bird or type of bird that has some attribute or characteristic, and then he relates that to humans and other animals. Along the way, he gives you facts and stories about the birds that are both amazing and delightful. While I was reading it, I kept bombarding my wife with bird facts (she took it well). He also writes well with a most engaging style. If you like birds, nature, or things of that sort, I think you will really like…

  2. Wonderful Not only was the book chockfull of fascinating facts about birds, but those facts were revealed in a most delightful way. I appreciated the underlying humor. It wasn’t forced or artificial, but flowed smoothly and subtly throughout. I wish there had been more about the albatross, or starlings (I took the author’s advice and checked out “murmurings” on U-tube – wow!) or…well, I guess I wish the book hadn’t ended as soon as it did. It was truly a remarkable read and gave me a…

  3. A Keeper I suspected that this might be a special book so I ordered a hard back book with paper pages. This was a special decision for me, since I been reading Kindle books, and nothing but Kindle books for over two years. It was a good decision since, I will be going back to reread parts, or possibly the whole book, again maybe more than once. I am not a “birder”, and have no intention of identifying birds and keeping lists of those I see. THINGS WITH FEATHERS is unique and wonderful. Each…

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