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Effortless Healing: 9 Simple Ways to Sidestep Illness, Shed Excess Weight, and Help Your Body Fix Itself

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Do you have to tell your leg to heal from a scrape? Your lungs to take in air? Your body that it’s hungry? No. Your body does these things automatically, effortlessly. Vibrant health is your birthright and within your grasp; you just have to step out of the way. In Effortless Healing, online health pioneer, natural medicine advocate, and bestselling author Dr. Joseph Mercola reveals the nine simple secrets to a healthier, thinner you. The results are amazing and the steps can be as easy to implement as:
·         Throwing ice cubes in your water to make it more “structured”
·         Skipping breakfast, as it could be making you fat
·         Eating up to 75 percent of your calories each day in fat for optimal health, reduction of heart disease, and cancer prevention
·         Avoiding certain meat and fish, but enjoying butter
·         Eating sauerkraut (and other fermented foods) to improve your immune system and your mood
·         Walking barefoot outside to decrease system-wide inflammation (and because it just feels great)
·         Enjoying a laugh: it’s as good for your blood vessels as fifteen minutes of exercise
Effortless Healing is the distillation of decades of Dr. Mercola’s experience and cutting-edge medical knowledge. With his wisdom and that of your body, you can optimize your health, your weight, and your life…effortlessly.

From the Hardcover edition.

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3 thoughts on “Effortless Healing: 9 Simple Ways to Sidestep Illness, Shed Excess Weight, and Help Your Body Fix Itself

  1. With good guidance, it is a whole lot easier Making complex matters plain is both a skill and an art. Improving your health is usually perceived as difficult. With good guidance, it is a whole lot easier. Dr. Mercola is a masterful communicator, and his writing is direct, practical and readable. Here is a good book to give to friends, or even [gasp!] relatives, that so badly need a jumpstart with their health. There is nothing quite as persuasive as a natural healing book written by a physician who knows what he is talking about. Rather…

  2. Effortless Healing – Effortless but Worthwhile Read I hadn’t heard about Dr. Joseph Mercola until I was encouraged to read his newest book to read by another physician. For those of you who don’t know, Dr. Mercola is a family physician and founder of the wellness website He’s been in the forefront of wellness medicine for years, and has written this book as a summary of his beliefs on how to be healthy. He gives nine simple rules for causing your body to heal better, age slower, and lead a healthier and happier…

  3. √ A “Wake-up Call” to Change Our Eating Habits I found EFFORTLESS HEALING to be very informative and a real wake up call for me. The author doesn’t sugar-coat his points about the terrible foods that most of us eat – especially the over consumption of processed foods. Dr. Mercola is very upfront about his purpose in writing this book. He wants to “inform you of the details that are frequently omitted from the often manipulated help stories you hear or read about in the media…” 

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