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NPR Laughter Therapy: A Comedy Collection for the Chronically Serious

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Looking for an alternative to the seriously reliable, soothing yet informative sound of NPR? Try NPR!

Prepare to be surprised by this collection of interviews with some of the funniest personalities on the planet, and by the memorable, unbelievable news that delights NPR listeners on the 1st of April each year. 

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2 thoughts on “NPR Laughter Therapy: A Comedy Collection for the Chronically Serious

  1. Academic analysis of comedy More a documentary and analysis of comedy than funny bone humor Not stand up or even sit down comedySome funny items

  2. The REAL stories are funny but the “fake” ones disappointed me. National Public Radio presents serious shows, on serious topics, but they also have some REALLY funny show (“Car Talk”,; “Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me”). Many of the best moments are compiled for CD packages from Highbridge Audio. I recently listened to three compilations from WWDTM and there are great compilations of interviews with comedians by Terry Gross for “Fresh Air”.This latest compilation – “introduced by” Peter Sagel (WWDTM’s host) contains both a “Fresh Air” interview (with…

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