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Until the Sun Falls from the Sky (The Three Series)

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Leah Buchanan’s family has been in service to vampires for five centuries. Even so, Leah wants nothing to do with her family’s legacy. But when she’s summoned to her Selection by the Vampire Dominion, under familial pressure, she has no choice but to go.

Lucien has been living under the strict edicts of the Vampire Dominion for centuries, but he’s tired of these ancient laws stripping away everything that is the essence of the vampire. So he’s taking it back. And this is because Lucien has been watching and waiting for decades for Leah to become available for a Selection, and he will not be limited with what he can do with her. He will have her, all of her. Therefore, Lucien is going to tame Leah, even if he gets hunted and killed for doing it. What neither Leah nor Lucien expects is the strong bond that will form between them, connecting them on unprecedented levels for mortals or immortals. And what will grow between them means they will challenge their ways of life and their union will begin The Prophesies, which makes them one of three couples who will save humanity or die in the effort.

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3 thoughts on “Until the Sun Falls from the Sky (The Three Series)

  1. Fantastically Unputdownable! You know how you read a book, and you look up and you don’t know where the time went but you’ve already read 100 pages? And even though you have to go to work the next day, you stay up until 4 in the morning because you know you’ll be exhausted but you just have to finish the book? And yes, some things seem really implausible but you don’t care because it’s a romance novel, better yet, it’s a Kristen Ashley romance novel and so you just want the book to go on and never end and you wish it…

  2. Sweet but Confusing There is A LOT that happens in this book, which should be a good thing considering the number of pages, but my number one complaint with this story is how drawn-out and slow everything is. I think the reason why the pacing feels as off as it does is because of how things are explained in this story. Leah is pretty ignorant in the how’s and why’s of the vampire culture, which is good for the reader because that means she asks a lot of questions, BUT no one ever gives her a direct answer! The…

  3. Sexy, disturbing, and somewhat confusing I love the title of this book. It’s beautiful. I mean who doesn’t adore the idea of hearing someone say “I will love you until the sun falls from the sky.” It makes me feel a bit swoony even thinking about those words. I also love KA’s other novels. No one can write strong, alpha males like she can. And how could you go wrong with strong, alpha vampire males? Yum! So I went into this story sure I’d adore it. I expected an epic love story, and that’s what I got. However I also got a lot of…

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