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Wild and Free (The Three Series)

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Abel Jin and Delilah Johnson have lived their lives with holes in their souls, yearning for something they don’t understand. Until one night Delilah is in mortal danger, and a man who’s otherworldly strong and supernaturally fast saves her. Delilah is then cast into a world where fiction comes to life in the form of Abel, her destined mate, a vampire/werewolf hybrid who claims her at first breath as his. But Abel knows the danger isn’t done. He’s dreamed for centuries that his mate will perish, and he will stop at nothing to keep her safe.

For Delilah, she’s coping not only with a fantasy come to life but also with a mingling of very different families. Not to mention she has on her hands a man who doesn’t understand his true nature and has lived his long life thinking he’s a monster. Abel and Delilah together fill the hole that has been clawing at them for decades. But, finally finding each other, it also tips their destinies as the last of The Three. They must unite with the other destined lovers, who, with Abel and Delilah, are fated to save the world. Or die trying.

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3 thoughts on “Wild and Free (The Three Series)

  1. The Three What an adventure this series took me on! From the beginning with Lucien and Leah, our first of the three. Then Callum and Sonia and finally Abel and Delilah. 

  2. Good, but not the best in the series. I loved this series, but out of the three books this was probably my least favorite. I still enjoyed the book, I was just expecting the final battle to be much more epic than it really was. In the first two books of the series we got to focus more on the the individual couple’s and them getting to know each other before the prophecy trouble started. In this book, the prophecy troubles started from the very beginning. It made it feel like the couple was a side story to their own book. I…

  3. A truly epic series…. Before I begin my actual review of this book, I would like to comment on a trend I am seeing in the reviews of this particular book. At this writing, there are 220 reviews of Wild and Free and almost every review has an unhelpful vote. To me, this reeks of a disgruntled reviewer or non-fan who chooses to be spiteful rather than honest. Kristen Ashley is a hugely successful author who has a devoted fan base. There are many, many authors in this category and it seems some of them have followers…

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