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When I’m Gone: A Novel

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Dear Luke,

First let me say – I love you…I didn’t want to leave you….

Luke Richardson has returned home after burying Natalie, his beloved wife of sixteen years, ready to face the hard job of raising their three children alone. But there’s something he’s not prepared for – a blue envelope with his name scrawled across the front in Natalie’s handwriting, waiting for him on the floor of their suburban Michigan home.

The letter inside, written on the first day of Natalie’s cancer treatment a year ago, turns out to be the first of many. Luke is convinced they’re genuine, but who is delivering them? As his obsession with the letters grows, Luke uncovers long-buried secrets that make him question everything he knew about his wife and their family. But the revelations also point the way toward a future where love goes on – in written words, in memories, and in the promises it’s never too late to keep.

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3 thoughts on “When I’m Gone: A Novel

  1. Great book! I absolutely enjoyed reading this book! 

  2. People are complicated. People have secrets. It doesn’t make them good people or bad people. – David Zayas What do you do if you’re very happily married for sixteen years, have three children, and your wife gets terminal cancer? And then she dies and you’re left to pick up the pieces. 

  3. When I’m gone..and the truth comes out.. “I feel pretty melodramatic writing you a letter to open on the day of my burial. According to Dr. Saunders I have a pretty decent chance of beating this thing, but you know me; I don’t trust doctors. No harm in starting this journal, you know, just in case. I’ve always wanted to try my hand at writing; maybe this will be my first step toward finally writing the novel dancing around my brain for the past ten years. They say write what you know, right? Apparently I know cancer and we…

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