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Self-Discipline: The Ultimate Guide to Self-Discipline like a US NAVY SEAL: Gain Incredible Self Confidence, Motivation, & True Discipline with Techniques used only by these Elite Warriors!

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Self-Discipline: The Ultimate Guide to Self-Discipline like a US NAVY SEAL – Gain Incredible Self Confidence, Motivation, & True Discipline with Techniques used only by these Elite Warriors! will teach you:

US NAVY SEALs are not super humans or godlike in anyway. They are only men who were given an opportunity to take on a life changing challenge that would elevate them mentally and physically for the rest of their lives. In Basic SEAL Training they are given a choice every day to quit and end the hardship of training or to forge on and become unbeatable. Through self-discipline they have attained strength of will and a winner’s mindset. Quitting is not an option. What could you do with an unwavering level of self-discipline?

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3 thoughts on “Self-Discipline: The Ultimate Guide to Self-Discipline like a US NAVY SEAL: Gain Incredible Self Confidence, Motivation, & True Discipline with Techniques used only by these Elite Warriors!

  1. If you’re a procastinator and fed up with it, this is the book for you! An excellent book for tying up all the ends of sloppy thinking and moving out of comfort zones. If you’re a procastinator and fed up with it, this is the book for you.But it does require a level of commitment. It gets results if you follow the exercises. You will be “doing” 10 days after beginning the book, as it turned me from an overweight procrastinator into a slim, fit, “do-er”. No other books like this one, so get it now.

  2. Having an excellent self-discipline is indeed very hard to develop and uphold Having an excellent self-discipline is indeed very hard to develop and uphold. Having this is a a bare necessity in pursuing your dreams in life, both in your personal and in your work life. Hence I got this book as a self help in enhancing what discipline I have right now. I find this one very informative and is a very good guide in developing such. I will surely keep this one as reference and will definitely recommend this to other readers as well. Very nice one!

  3. Like This book!!!!!! An informative book. I really like this book. This book will give you what it got to be a disciplined navy seal. In my opinion, a Navy Seal is the perfect example as used by the author. Navy seals are trained to endure all forms of hardship, while maintaining their resolve. A person can learn self control and self discipline if he trains himself to have the mindset of a Navy seal. I totally agree with the author.I really enjoyed this book and will keep in my collection.

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