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Always Watching (Elite Guardians)

The bodyguards of Elite Guardians Agency have more than just skill and prowess in common; they’re also all women. When it becomes clear that popular psychiatrist and radio personality Wade Savage has a stalker, his father secretly hires Elite Guardians in order to protect his son. But when Wade’s bodyguard is attacked and nearly killed, agency owner Olivia Edwards must step in and fill the gap. Olivia’s skills are about to be tested to the limit as Wade’s stalker moves from leaving innocent gifts at his door to threatening those closest to him. Olivia has the feeling that she’s next on the list. And to complicate things even further, she realizes that her heart may be in as much danger as her client.

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Self-Discipline: The Ultimate Guide to Self-Discipline like a US NAVY SEAL: Gain Incredible Self Confidence, Motivation, & True Discipline with Techniques used only by these Elite Warriors!

Self-Discipline: The Ultimate Guide to Self-Discipline like a US NAVY SEAL – Gain Incredible Self Confidence, Motivation, & True Discipline with Techniques used only by these Elite Warriors! will teach you:

US NAVY SEALs are not super humans or godlike in anyway. They are only men who were given an opportunity to take on a life changing challenge that would elevate them mentally and physically for the rest of their lives. In Basic SEAL Training they are given a choice every day to quit and end the hardship of training or to forge on and become unbeatable. Through self-discipline they have attained strength of will and a winner’s mindset. Quitting is not an option. What could you do with an unwavering level of self-discipline?