This easy-to-use deck is appropriate for beginners as well as those experienced with divination cards. Angel Therapy is a powerful healing and guidance process that involves working with your guardian angels and the archangels (particularly Michael and Raphael). These oracle cards and the enclosed guidebook give you action steps to take that will initiate healing; help you release fears and emotional blocks; and give you messages about your life purpose, relationships, manifestations, and more.Each card features a gorgeous painting of angels and a message or answer for you, and is suitable for both children and adults. The guidebook walks you through the steps for giving an oracle reading for yourself or others, and outlines the extended meanings behind each card.
straight to the point I am a huge fan of Doreen Virtue, and have several of her decks. I started not to buy this one because I was afraid it would be repetitive, since I already have 3 of her other decks. (It isn’t.) It has the gold edges just like her Ascended Masters deck. I am an experienced reader, and I have a hard time being objective when I do tarot readings for myself. This is not a tarot deck, and it has obvious meanings that don’t change when combined with other cards. I love using it for myself, and I am also going to use it for clients, who are very drawn to card decks with gold edges.
Doreen’s Twelfth (and Remarkable) Oracle Deck “Angel Therapy is a powerfully effective and safe healing modality that helps you release fears or other emotional bocks, receive guidance about your life purpose and other issues, and heal your body and life.” – From the companion bookletIn her twelfth oracle deck, metaphysical therapist Doreen Virtue offers yet another tool enabling individuals to forge stronger connections to their angels, obtain angelic guidance, and gently heal energetic blockages. A 44-card deck edged in the now-customary shiny gilt, Angel Therapy Oracle Cards strongly features Archangels Michael and Raphael, but also encompass a wide-range of healing and empowering themes.From cutting energetic cords to healing addictions, clearing the chakras to manifestation, each of the Angel Therapy Oracle Cards depicts an instructive message below vibrant artwork, with the card theme at the top. Here are a few of the themes and messages from this deck:* You Are Profoundly Clairvoyant -…