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The Manager’s Motivation Handbook

Strong management is the backbone of any successful organization. Walk The Talk’s latest book, The Managers Motivation Handbook, is a practical and powerful resource to deal with one of today’s most critical (and often misunderstood) management responsibilities … GETTING and KEEPING OTHERS MOTIVATED. Through years of research, counseling, and corporate training, author Susan Fee dispels old myths and shows readers how to use motivation to create a productive and positively contagious culture.

For over 35 years, Walk the Talk has provided the most relevant, realistic and useful resources on personal and professional success. The Manager’s Motivation Handbook is another winner. This book should be on every leader’s bookshelf in a handy place for easy and frequent reference. It is the perfect tool to enhance your management development initiatives and give your managers the how-to motivation skills they need to succeed. The Managers Motivation Handbook will forever change what you think you know about motivation.

This how-to resource will help managers and leaders at EVERY level:
Recognize talents and build on employee strengths
Get rid of workplace de-motivators
Find and apply creative ways to recognize and reinforce positive performance
Get everyone energized and focused on common goals

Ultimately, The Managers Motivation Handbook will help you create a productive and positively contagious culture for the benefit of you, your organization and everyone on the team. Whether you are looking to enhance your personal management skills, or those of an entire organization, The Managers Motivation Handbook is a must-have. This is a perfect resource to use for education, trainings or workshops.

Contact Walk The Talk directly for quantity discounts, private labeling and other content delivery options.

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Motivation and Its Regulation: The Control Within (Sydney Symposium of Social Psychology)

It is motivation that drives all our daily endeavors, and it is motivation, or the lack of it, that accounts for most of our successes and failures. Motivation, however, needs to be carefully controlled and regulated to be effective.

This book surveys the most recent psychological research on how motivational processes are regulated in daily life to achieve desired outcomes. Contributors are all leading international investigators, and they explore such exciting questions as: What is the relationship between motivation and self-control? What is the role of affect and cognition in regulating motivation? How do conscious and unconscious motivational processes interact? What role do physiological processes play in controlling motivation? How can we regulate aggressive impulses? How do affective states control motivation? Can motivation distort perception and attention? What are the social, cultural and interpersonal effects of motivational control?

Understanding human motivation is not only of theoretical interest, but is also fundamental to applied fields such as clinical, counseling, educational, organizational, marketing and industrial psychology. The book is also suitable as an advanced textbook in courses in motivational sciences, and is recommended to students, teachers, researchers and applied professionals as well as laypersons interested in the psychology of human motivation and self-control.

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Beyond Pleasure and Pain: How Motivation Works

How does motivation work? The classic answer is that people are motivated to approach pleasure and avoid pain, that they are motivated by “carrots and sticks.” But to understand human motivation, it is necessary to go beyond pleasure and pain. What people want is to be effective in their life pursuits, and there are three distinct ways that people want to be effective. They want to be effective in having desired results (value), which includes having pleasure but is not limited to pleasure. They want to be effective in managing what happens (control) and in establishing what’s real (truth), even if the process of managing what happens or establishing what’s real is painful. These three distinct ways of wanting to be effective go beyond just wanting pleasure, but there is even more to the story of how motivation works. These ways of wanting to be effective do not function in isolation. Rather, they work together. Indeed, the ways that value, truth, and control work together is the central story of motivation. By understanding how motivation works as an organization of value, truth, and control motives, we can re-think basic motivational issues, such as the nature of personality and culture, how the motives of others can be managed effectively, and what is “the good life.”

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The Parent’s 20 Minute Guide to Change

The Parent’s 20 Minute Guide helps parents utilize Craft (Community Reinforcement and Family Training) and Motivational Techniques to help you change your child’s substance use. Family members who are trained in Craft are more likely (than those trained to do interventions or who attend Al-Anon) to reduce or stop substance use in their loved one as well as increase the loved one’s willingness to get help. In Craft, the concerned family member (that’s you!) also feels better. This guide will help you with such tools as: How to react when your child has been using substances and when he has Not been using; How to co-parent and collaborate as effectively and smoothly as possible; Getting more of what you want to see from your child and less of what you don’t; How to talk to your child so that you are more likely to be heard; How to take care of yourself all along the way

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The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

In The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Dr. Joseph Murphy gives you the tools you will need to unlock the awesome powers of your subconscious mind. You can improve your relationships, your finances, your physical well-being. Once you learn how to use this unbelievably powerful force there is nothing you will not be able to accomplish. Join the millions of people who have already unlocked the power of their subconscious minds. I urge you to study this book and apply the techniques outlined therein; and as you do, I feel absolutely convinced that you will lay hold of a miracle-working power that will lift you up from confusion, misery, melancholy, and failure, and guide you to your true place, solve your difficulties, sever you from emotional and physical bondage, and place you on the royal road to freedom, happiness, and peace of mind.- Dr. Joseph Murphy

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The Dot

With a simple, witty story and free-spirited illustrations, Peter H. Reynolds entices even the stubbornly uncreative among us to make a mark – and follow where it takes us.

Her teacher smiled. “Just make a mark and see where it takes you.”

Art class is over, but Vashti is sitting glued to her chair in front of a blank piece of paper. The words of her teacher are a gentle invitation to express herself. But Vashti can’t draw – she’s no artist. To prove her point, Vashti jabs at a blank sheet of paper to make an unremarkable and angry mark. “There!” she says.

That one little dot marks the beginning of Vashti’s journey of surprise and self-discovery. That special moment is the core of Peter H. Reynolds’s delicate fable about the creative spirit in all of us.A frustrated grade school artist, Vashti sits slumped over her blank piece of paper at the end of art class. “I just CAN’T draw!” she tells her teacher. Her teacher first uses wit, then subtle yet clever encouragement to inspire her student to go beyond her insecurities and become, in the words of a younger boy who “can’t” draw either, “a really great artist.”

Peter H. Reynolds crafts a quiet, pleasing story in The Dot–one that will strike a chord with children who have outgrown the self-assurance of kindergarten and begun to doubt their own greatness. His marvelous watercolor, ink, and, yes, tea illustrations are appealing in a Quentin Blakey way, especially as Vashti begins to go wild with her dots. The delightfully open-ended conclusion will have readers of all ages contemplating how they can make their own mark in the world. Highly recommended. (Ages 5 to 9) –Emilie Coulter

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Motivation: Getting Motivated, Feeling Motivated, Staying Motivated: Motivation Psychology – Ultimate Motivational: A Practical Guide to Awaken Your Inner Motive

Motivation: Getting Motivated, Feeling Motivated, Staying Motivated

Have you ever wondered: How can I find the strength to reach my goals? How can I find true life fulfillment? How can I beat back against depression? How can I maintain true motivation to fuel my life? You are in luck. Motivation: Getting Motivated, Feeling Motivated, Staying Motivated provides a firm guide to help shape your life into something you’ve always wanted: into the life you imagine. It helps you formulate the motivation to succeed within yourself. It lends step-by-step lists to rid yourself of stressors, to escape from the shadow of depression, and to work past the boundaries of your environment. It allows you to push toward the light of your goals and stand, fulfilled, on the other side.

A Practical Guide to Awaken Your Inner Motive

However, making reckless changes isn’t beneficial unless you understand how to change your life for the better. Taking a step in the right direction forces you to take full control of your life. But how, precisely, do you grab the reigns and cling to the life you’ve claimed? How do you maintain the motivation you’ve cultivated?

Motivation Psychology

Analyzes your life from both an emotional and physical point of view. It gives you specific details about how to maintain motivation and push past physical and psychological problems. It allows you to finally make your life your own. If you are ready to end procrastination, then take action today!

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Motivation Wall Calendar 2015 – Motivational Poster Calendar – Poster Calendar – Photography Calendar By Helma

Symbolic photos of friendship and achievement are displayed in full color in the Motivation Wall Calendar 2015. Whether you are looking for inspiration or a reason to persevere, this calendar will keep you going. Enjoy space to write down dates and appointments to keep you on track all year long. Frame-worthy photos are suitable for framing at home or at work. Large Format Poster Style Calendar 12 x 18 display dimensions