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Do you want to become the most powerful version of yourself? Imagine a life where you no longer feel stuck and helpless. Where you are guided by your strong sense of intuition and don’t fear the consequences of being authentically you. To say your ‘no’ without fear. To be full of energy and dis-ease free. To have love for yourself and others so that nothing can shake you. This can be a reality for you. You can realise your highest potential and you can do it now. It is possible for all of us in this lifetime to achieve enlightenment, to clear our karmic debt and achieve ascension. It is possible for us all to experience abundance, optimal health and happiness. Most of us however are caught up in anxiety, overthinking, stress, depression and have become lost in suffering. Have you become lost in your suffering? Is over-thinking and excessive worrying causing you stress and ill health? Are you finding it difficult to get clear on what to do? Are you finding it hard to break out of habits? Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed with what life is throwing at you right now and are finding it hard to stay motivated? Perhaps this has all taken a toll on confidence and self-esteem? These are all signs that you are feeling dis-empowered. If you are reading this, it is likely that you are fed up with how your life is going and are sick and tired of suffering. We all experience suffering. All of us at some point in our lives have become stuck in repeating cycles of thinking, feeling and actions that are based on experiences of the past. The longer we are stuck in these cycles, the more we keep repeating them on impulse, forgetting that life didn’t use to be this way. We can carry on repeating self-destructive cycles or we can choose to create new positive, health affirming and healing cycles that promote our personal development and well-being. Developing self-awareness is crucial for empowerment, for to realise your power is to realise yourself at your highest potential. You create your own reality with your thoughts and this can either bring you the life you’ve always dreamed of or the nightmare you are worrying might happen. To be truly empowered is to be living as your Higher Self. It is the source and essence of all life. It is eternal infinite consciousness, free from all attachments and drama of the ego, it is constant and un-changing. This Self can only be known through a direct experience of it and cannot be known through the rational mind, yet it is the rational mind that we usually listen to daily. Connecting with this dimension of ourselves is essential in the journey towards empowerment, for it is ultimately freedom that we are searching for: freedom from suffering and fear. This is where we go when we meditate and when we are practicing mindfulness. When we are living in the moment. In this place there is no fear because there is no death. The more you live this, the more fear-less you become. You have the keys to unlock your inner prison that you have created for yourself. You can unshackle yourself from your old ways of being and gain inner freedom to unleash the superhero within. This book will show you the different areas you need to train yourself in to achieve this: mind training: how to become the master of your mind and strengthen your intuition. emotional management: the importance of developing your capacity for love. high energy diet: using intuition and mindfulness to ascertain diet and lifestyle choices that are perfect for you. Training your will: how to strengthen your will to make powerful and lasting changes and kiss goodbye to procrastination. By knowing the importance of each of these four areas, you have the tools to break free. You CAN be as powerful as you want to be. It is time to make a change and that starts with a choice. To choose whether you want to be a victim of your own thoughts or a master of your own mind. No more fearing about the future.

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