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Becoming Fearless: A Guide For Enhancing Self-Empowerment & Taking Charge Of Your Life

Do you want to become the most powerful version of yourself? Imagine a life where you no longer feel stuck and helpless. Where you are guided by your strong sense of intuition and don’t fear the consequences of being authentically you. To say your ‘no’ without fear. To be full of energy and dis-ease free. To have love for yourself and others so that nothing can shake you. This can be a reality for you. You can realise your highest potential and you can do it now. It is possible for all of us in this lifetime to achieve enlightenment, to clear our karmic debt and achieve ascension. It is possible for us all to experience abundance, optimal health and happiness. Most of us however are caught up in anxiety, overthinking, stress, depression and have become lost in suffering. Have you become lost in your suffering? Is over-thinking and excessive worrying causing you stress and ill health? Are you finding it difficult to get clear on what to do? Are you finding it hard to break out of habits? Maybe you are feeling overwhelmed with what life is throwing at you right now and are finding it hard to stay motivated? Perhaps this has all taken a toll on confidence and self-esteem? These are all signs that you are feeling dis-empowered. If you are reading this, it is likely that you are fed up with how your life is going and are sick and tired of suffering. We all experience suffering. All of us at some point in our lives have become stuck in repeating cycles of thinking, feeling and actions that are based on experiences of the past. The longer we are stuck in these cycles, the more we keep repeating them on impulse, forgetting that life didn’t use to be this way. We can carry on repeating self-destructive cycles or we can choose to create new positive, health affirming and healing cycles that promote our personal development and well-being. Developing self-awareness is crucial for empowerment, for to realise your power is to realise yourself at your highest potential. You create your own reality with your thoughts and this can either bring you the life you’ve always dreamed of or the nightmare you are worrying might happen. To be truly empowered is to be living as your Higher Self. It is the source and essence of all life. It is eternal infinite consciousness, free from all attachments and drama of the ego, it is constant and un-changing. This Self can only be known through a direct experience of it and cannot be known through the rational mind, yet it is the rational mind that we usually listen to daily. Connecting with this dimension of ourselves is essential in the journey towards empowerment, for it is ultimately freedom that we are searching for: freedom from suffering and fear. This is where we go when we meditate and when we are practicing mindfulness. When we are living in the moment. In this place there is no fear because there is no death. The more you live this, the more fear-less you become. You have the keys to unlock your inner prison that you have created for yourself. You can unshackle yourself from your old ways of being and gain inner freedom to unleash the superhero within. This book will show you the different areas you need to train yourself in to achieve this: mind training: how to become the master of your mind and strengthen your intuition. emotional management: the importance of developing your capacity for love. high energy diet: using intuition and mindfulness to ascertain diet and lifestyle choices that are perfect for you. Training your will: how to strengthen your will to make powerful and lasting changes and kiss goodbye to procrastination. By knowing the importance of each of these four areas, you have the tools to break free. You CAN be as powerful as you want to be. It is time to make a change and that starts with a choice. To choose whether you want to be a victim of your own thoughts or a master of your own mind. No more fearing about the future.

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Take Charge Of Your Life-If You Don’t Others Will: Inspiring Words & Quotes On How To Live Your Best Life…Fulfilled

Do you want to go through life letting others dictate how you feel or how you should live? Think about it; do you often take a backseat to your own life? No one should want to live that way nor should anyone have to. This book is meant to inspire you to take control and take charge of the life you were given. It includes inspiring words, quotes and pictures on how to live all aspects of your life…to the fullest. The time to be in charge of you is not yesterday or tomorrow, it is today! If you don’t do it, someone else will and you truly do not want to live that way. Be the hero of your own life. This book will inspire you to take charge of yourself and be the best version of you. You deserve it!

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Boss Bitch: A Simple 12-Step Plan to Take Charge of Your Career

New York Times bestselling author Nicole Lapin is back with a sassy and actionable guide empowering women to be the boss of their own lives and careers.
You don’t need dozens or hundreds of employees to be a boss, says financial expert and serial entrepreneur Nicole Lapin. Hell, you don’t even need one. You just need to be confident, savvy, and ready to get out there and make your success happen. You need to find your inner Boss Bitch — your most confident, savvy, ambitious self—and own it.
A Boss Bitch is the she-ro of her own story. She is someone who takes charge of herself and her future and embraces being a “boss” in all senses of the word: whether as the boss of her own life, a boss at work, or the literal boss of her own company (or all three). Whichever she chooses, being a Boss Bitch isn’t something to apologize for—it’s something to be proud of!
We all have what it takes to be a boss bitch, says Lapin. The problem is: we don’t learn how to do it in school. Even if we study business, we’re not getting enough real-deal business education. Until now. Here, Lapin draws on raw and often hilariously real stories from her own career and experiences starting businesses—the good, the bad, and the ugly—to show what it means to be a “boss” in twelve easy steps. In her refreshingly honest and relatable style, she first shows how to embrace the boss-of-you mentality by seizing the power that comes from believing in yourself and expanding your personal skillset. Then she offers candid no-nonsense advice on how to kill it as the boss at work whether you have a high-up role or not. And finally, for those who want to take the plunge as an entrepreneur, she lays out the nuts and bolts of how to be the boss of your own business—from raising money and getting it off the ground to hiring a kickass staff and dealing office drama to turning a profit.
Being a rock star in your career is something that should be worn as a badge of honor.  Here Lapin shows how to crush it in our careers like like a Boss Bitch!

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Ladies in Charge: Self Empowerment for Women (Inspiring Women Stories) (Volume 2)

Let ten women empower you with their personal story. Sometimes it is hard to do that on your own. These women have turned their lives upside down because they were desperate for a change.

Do you hesitate about taking action and what exactly you should be doing? If you read these stories you realize that you can also overcome whatever obstacles you face.

In order to realize their dream, these women dived into the deep and swapped everything familiar – friends, home or their country- for the unknown. That takes a lot of courage.

How about you? Do you tend to take the easy way out? Or do you need a little help, a little inspiration perhaps from others, to choose instead a road with dangerous curves and unforeseen obstacles?

All women interviewed share their willingness to take control. They are ‘Ladies in Charge’. In some cases there is a fine line between willpower and rebellion, but they always act with respect for others. Each woman, in her own way is grateful for what her upbringing has given, even if this upbringing had shortcomings. They learned to make choices and live the way they want. You may call these women headstrong because they follow their instinct and do things their own way. That is what makes them enterprising, inspiring women.

So, be ready and willing to take charge…! Stand up for yourself, free yourself from barriers, take control, and believe you can do it. If in doubt, just read the stories of these ten women. Have the courage to live your dream.

‘Ladies in Charge’ is the second book in the series Inspiring Women Stories by Audrey Soekhradj. The purpose of this book is to motivate you and give you practical guidance for using your talents to the full so you can become financially and emotionally free.

The hundred questions in this interactive book, will help you make decisions that will influence your life in a way that you feel confident to take charge of your own.

As entrepreneur, career advisor, coach, author and speaker, Audrey Soekhradj uses her talents to help other women find their strengths and shine. She knows from experience that it sometimes takes another person to empower you. Overcoming her own setbacks, which she writes about in the first book of this series, ‘Amazing Women’, reinforced her belief that you can only be complete after you bring out the best in yourself. To help you do that, she developed the Empowering Coaching Quickscan. This quickscan blends seamlessly with this book and adds a unique value: making the shift from dreaming to acting. Order your free copy online.

Use your talents to bring out the best in yourself. If you don’t, you deny others the possibility of learning from you. More than that, you deny yourself the chance to be of real importance and to make a difference. Discover the power woman you truly are and take charge!

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The Charge: Activating the 10 Human Drives That Make You Feel Alive

Since the fateful night of his car accident, Brendon has lived a fully charged life, and he’s helped millions of people around the globe transform their lives and feel more alive, engaged, and fulfilled.

In The Charge, Brendon argues that the only way to measurably improve the quality of your life is to learn how to activate the very ten drives that make you most human. These drives are your desires for more control, competence, congruence, caring, connection, change, challenge, creative expression, contribution, and consciousness. These drives shape everything you think, feel, and do in life, so understanding and mastering them is critical to your success and happiness. Strategically activating these drives on a consistent basis is the fastest path to living a fully charged life.

Harnessing our human drives is not easy; if it were, we wouldn’t see so much restlessness in the world. That’s why Brendon has devised what he calls the true “activators” of human experience—a series of powerful yet simple actions you can take to radically increase your levels of energy, engagement, and fulfillment in all areas of your life.

What Brendon uncovers in The Charge will surprise and challenge you. It turns out that most of the ways we seek to meet our human drives are actually counterproductive. We all want more control, for example, but seeking to have more certainty in our daily lives or to control other people will actually decrease our levels of control (and happiness). We have a deep desire for change, too, but we often fail to make the right kinds of change that would make us feel more alive and in command of our lives.

In The Charge, Brendon helps us overcome these mistakes and illuminates the path for strategically and intelligently activating our 10 human drives so that we can have the one thing we all want: more life in our lives! Brendon Burchard is the founder of High Performance Academy and author of the #1 New York Times and #1 USA TODAY bestselling book The Millionaire Messenger. He is also the author of Life’s Golden Ticket and one of the top motivation and high performance trainers in the world. His famous training events and videos inspire millions of people to find their charge, share their voice, and make a greater difference.

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Empowerment: Taking Charge of Your Life

In Chapter One of Walden, Henry David Thoreau notes that “the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.” EMPOWERMENT: TAKING CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE advises its readers on just how to avoid that “desperation trap” through a set of specific approaches to effective handling of our daily financial and economic challenges. Nothing could be more important to our lives. Consumer economist and author Dr. Eugene F. Elander explains clearly and thoroughly, step by effective step, how each of us can take control of our lives away from the many corporate, government, and agency forces which seek to dominate us and determine our decisions. This allows us to become “the masters of our fates and the captains of our souls” as William Ernest Henley put it. We can become Empowered; we deserve no less. You can take charge of your own destiny by learning and applying techniques which allow you to deal effectively with “the system” – the forces which seek to control us and our lives. Chapter by chapter and step by step, Empowerment: Taking Charge of Your Life provides tried and true ways of dealing with common issues and solving real-life problems. For all of us who are frustrated trying to cope with an increasingly-impersonal system which neglects our needs, Empowerment:Taking Charge of Your Life by Dr. Eugene F. Elander will provide a key set of answers.