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Closer To Truth Closer To Love: A Spiritual Guide To Inner Peace And Empowerment (The Mystic Chronicles) (Volume 1)

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Question! Do we as a human family know who we are or who we were created to be? Unfortunately for the majority of us, I’ll have to say the answer is no. Which means we’re not anywhere close to realizing our full potential and being at our absolute best. How could we possibly be, when we’ve been maliciously lied to at every turn and are totally confused about our origins and our purpose? The hard truth is we are lost! Some of us are still trying to figure out whether we are a product of Creation or Evolution. My hypothesis is simple; I believe before anything can evolve it first has to be created. Obviously! So what is the truth? How can we discover its D.N.A so that we can tap into our true power and elevate our consciousness? Well I’ve got some theories in this book that are surprisingly uncomplicated that I’m very excited to share with you. Oh! I’ve got another question for you! Aren’t you tired of continuously pursuing happiness without ever being able to achieve it? Do you even know what it means to be truly happy? And if you do, is it possible without having peace? Furthermore! Can you attain peace without Love completely dominating your existence? And last but not least! Can any of it be real without the Truth? Let’s talk! Closer To Truth Closer To Love Black Warrior

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1 thought on “Closer To Truth Closer To Love: A Spiritual Guide To Inner Peace And Empowerment (The Mystic Chronicles) (Volume 1)

  1. Shockingly Good In a nutshell this book is awesome and extremely easy to read. It’s unbelievable how the author was able to explain highly complicated and controversial issues with such ease. He had to be on an extremely high level. Personally, this is probably the most impressive book I have ever read. It opened up my mind and clarified many of the issues that were plaguing me.

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