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Defend Yourself: (No Experience Necessary) Seven Basic Steps to Self-Protection and Empowerment

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Defend Yourself (No Experience Necessary) is a breakthrough book in the self-defense genre. Unlike many systems that are too complicated for the average person, author Sean Ramey has assembled a series of seven steps which. if taken to heart. will have readers walking through life more confidently. The aim of Defend Yourself (No Experience Necessary) is to provide readers with a fundamental understanding of what to do when they are caught in a life-threatening situation. One does not need to be a super-athlete to put these steps into practice, as Ramey has geared his message for the average person who has neither the means. nor the desire, to step into a martial arts studio. Defend Yourself (No Experience Necessary) is for college students. business profes.sionals and stay-at-home parents alike. As Ramey writes, “Everyone -regardless of age, gender, size or athletic ability -should be able to walk safely through the world knowing they are armed with the tools to survive and thrive.”

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2 thoughts on “Defend Yourself: (No Experience Necessary) Seven Basic Steps to Self-Protection and Empowerment

  1. Common sense for the oblivious This book is a wonderful reminder for all the things we do on a daily basis that put us at risk and how to handle those risky situations should they arise. It is written in clear basic terms that even my two easily distracted teenage girls were able to make it through and retain helpful skills from. I highly recommed….its a quick read and could prove invaluable should you or someone you know find themselves confronted by anyone that makes them feel uneasy or heaven forbid need to actually…

  2. Absolutely Fantastic I’ve been to some self defense seminars before and trained in Tae Kwon Do for a few months, but the seminars were too complicated and the Tae Kwon Do classes, while good, are things I feel I would need to continuously practice to be confident with. This book is very simple, and that’s what I needed. I feel that reading this book is, in and of itself, enough to improve my ability to defend myself and my family. It’s like Amazon’s Kindle; it does more by keeping things simple and trying to do…

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