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I would, but my DAMN MIND won’t let me: a teen girl’s guide to understanding and controlling her thoughts and feelings (Words of Wisdom for Teens) (Volume 2)

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Our journey to happiness begins with a belief that happiness is possible. But for many, experiences have shown them that life is unfair and change is difficult… What if there was a way to create permanent changes quickly and easily? In “I would, but my DAMN MIND won’t let me” author Jacqui Letran, Nurse Practitioner and Adolescent Self-Empowerment Specialist, shows teen girls how to take charge of their mind to overcome obstacles and struggles. In this groundbreaking guide, girls can learn simple yet powerful techniques to challenge their old negative patterns and unleash the power of their mind to create the life they want and deserve.

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3 thoughts on “I would, but my DAMN MIND won’t let me: a teen girl’s guide to understanding and controlling her thoughts and feelings (Words of Wisdom for Teens) (Volume 2)

  1. Don’t Miss This Excellent Read – It Can Transform Your Thinking Great strategies for everyone wanting to learn more about what makes human beings behave as we do. This book made a powerful and positive impression. Written in a simple, straight-forward way, Jacqui Letran clearly explains concepts about the conscious and subconscious mind that can change your life. Having read many books on this subject, I appreciate the author’s down-to-earth, succinct writing style to effectively convey her message.

  2. for writing this fantastic book! Every teenage girl needs to read it “Thank you, Jacqui Letran, for writing this fantastic book! Every teenage girl needs to read it. You write in such a passionate way about the power of the mind, and your devotion for helping teenagers to be successful and happy in life just shines through the whole book. I will be proud to recommend your book to all my clients and colleagues! Bravo!”Ingrid Christine Abild-Pedersen, CPC, ELI-MP, Mother-Daughter Relationship Coach

  3. Tween Review! I read Jacqui’s book and within the first few pages I KNEW I needed to get a copy to my daughter, and to say she LOVED it would be an understatement. 

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